🐮Ignored little cow🐮

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Little: Tommy! (0-3) tubbo (0-2)
Cg: philza, ranboo, techno
Other: Nikki and Wilbur foot 😏Tw: bad and neglecting cg. Mean words, mean cg, yelling, crying, panic attacks (tell me if I need to add more!)Tommy woke up to giggling and feeling small. He got up and stuffed a paci in his mouth and grabbed his plush Henry. He waddled down to the kitchen where he saw his best bud tubbo in his highchair. He brushed it off and walked up to Phil tugging on his robe sleeve to gain his attention. "Not now Tommy. I got to feed tubbo he is to little to eat on his own." Phil said completely ignoring him and his needs.Tommy whined and tugged again making Phil turn around, "not now Tommy! Tubbo needs me I have explained this already!" Phil said raising his voice a little. Tommy just whined loudly making Phil turn around and snap again "Thomas! Leave I don't have time for whining go back to your room now!" He said shouting. Tommy stepped back at the use of his full name, knowing that philza knew he hated it for past Trauma. Tommy's face scrunched up tears now falling as he turned around going back to the path of his room.He looked down walking back not looking when he bumped into someone making him whine while holding his head. He looked up and said "'m sworry" now looking up to see an upset looking ranboo. " Tommy watch were your going! I could of been holding tubbo!" Ranboo said walking off to pick up tuboo. Tommy nodded and stood up rubbing the little bump on his head. He turned around quickly when he heard laughing."Thanks for watching tubbo phil! I owe you one now." Ranboo said carrying tubbo. Tommy looked at tubbo and stuck his tongue out before hearing a whine come from tubbo's mouth. "Thomas! I told you to go to your room, now look you made tubbo sad! You need to stop this behaviour. Go to your room now!" Phil yelled making Tommy back up and run of up the stairs. He cried while running and tripped making him have carpet burn and hurt knees only making him weep louder. He ran to Wilbur's room and opened the door to see him and Niki talking and making a new song for wilbur. He also gazed over and saw techno there.All three looked up when they heard a loud weep come from the door way. Wilbur's eyes widened when he saw a hurt and clearly upset Tommy. Nikki knelt down and opened her arms ready to accept a hug which Tommy did running to her crying loudly. Wilbur and techno shared a glance and techno got up to get more little stuff and a bottle for him.Nikki picked up Tommy (STRONG NIKKI SUPREMACY) and carried him to the bed humming and helping him calm down. She looks over to wilbur and silently saying to get the first aid kit. Wilbur nodded and went off while Nikki hugged and rocked the still crying boy.With Techno
Techno walked down to the kitchen picking up the paci that he knew Tommy dropped. He pulled out Tommy's favourite bottle and started making angel milk while listening to the conversation Phil and ranboo was having.
"I'm so sorry again ranboo Tommy is being so rude lately! I wish he was more like tubbo! I'm so sorry again I will make sure to tell him off again." Techno heard Phil say. He scrunched his eyebrows In anger. He heard the microwave beep and he pulled it out checking the temperature before washing the paci and heading back to the rest. "Morning tech!" He heard philza say but he simply turned around gave them the death stare. Phil looked down noticing the bottle and asked "why do you have a bottle isn't that Tommy's?" Techno huffed letting a little steam come from his mask. "Yea it is, I'm doing to go give it to him bc you couldn't be bothered." He said in a deep and scary tone turning to walk up the stairs.Eventually they both came back to Tommy who was slightly sniffing and sucking his thumb. Techno cooed and pulled it out replacing it with a spare paci. Nikki continued humming and grabbed the warm bottle off techno and feed it slowly to Tommy. Eventually he finished and was calmed down enough for techno to clean his knee up. "What happened bubble? Why were you so upset?" Nikki asked pulling him closer. Tommy looked down and pulled out his paci to speak. "Phil' 'n boo meanie and 'hil use me 'man and yell at me and be meanie!" Tommy said bursting into tears again.Techno raised his eyebrows and took off his mask. Wilbur and h both looked at each-other and knew exactly what happened. Techno huffed again steam coming out his nose. Nikki frowned and hugged him closer to comfort him. "How about I take you sweet one to my bakery and you help me make some cookies and we can decorate them!" Hoping the idea will distract him from his sadness.Tommy instantly nodded loving the feeling of Nikki's bakery. She smiled and pick him up after she explained to the 2 what was going to happen. They both nodded and she brought him to his room to pick out an outfit which was a cute little cow onesie, even tho it was morning it was a cold day and she thought about how cute it was to have a little cow in her bakery.She finished the look off by pulling out Henry and getting him a cow paci to match the look. She didn't need to worry about socks as the onesie was footed. She smiled and gave him a little kiss on the nose making the other giggle and cling to her. She walked out and saw wilbur and techno waiting for them. Wilbur instantly cooed at the cute sight. "Awee such a cute little cow!" He said walking over giving the little tickles.Techno grabbed Tommy from Nikki and walked down the stairs to see Phil and ranboo still talking. Phil looked over and saw wilbur and Nikki giving him a death stare. "Where you guys going!, Tommy is not allowed to go outside he is grounded." Phil said. Wilbur looked over to Nikki who was fuming with rage he quickly rushed Tommy and techno out along with ranboo and tubbo who was sleeping.With Nikki.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PHIL! HE WAS SOBBING WHEN HE CAME TO US BECAUSE YOU FORGOT TO FEED HIM AND LOOK AFTER HIM! I FROM NOW ON WILL BE HIS CAREGIVER ALONG WITH WIL AND TECHNO!" She said letting her anger go along with a few tears. She stormed out and started her way to the bakery wiping tears.From now they all took care of Tommy and comforted him big and small. They moved Tommy into Nikki's place and he started helping make food and sell it. When small all costumers adored him and brought his special Henry and flower cookies. Making him feel special. And loved.

~collab with bossmuffincat!

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