Don't Leave, Please

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Oh... Hi!

This is my first work here... and kind of my first work ever. When I was 13 or something I wrote some stuff, and read a lot of fanfics of Harry Potter, but never was something serious, and I never posted anything. However I am here now, trying to wrote this.

I really need to say that english is not my mother language, and I am NOT fluent... so if any of you notice something weird you could tell me. I really wants to improve my english, and I think that is a way to do it.

Smalltown Boy by Bronski Beat is a song released in 1984, the lyrics talks about running away and young people leaving their homes. And I thinks that's completely Buck.

Just for remember that's a fictional work and some stuff will be diferent than the series. Have a good chance that I'll be posting that in PT/BR as well, but I didn't decided yet.

♦Chapter One♦

- Don't leave me, Maddie! Please! Do not leave me! - Little Evan asked his sister. Maddie is about nine years older than him and is the only person who cares about him. Their parents never looked at him twice, other than to tell him he's not good enough. He knows that if he tells her everything they do to him, Maddie would stay, but he can't say. Because she loves their parents and they love her, in a weird way, but they do.

It never really seems like they loved or cared about him since he was born. It was always them saying "No. You can not go! Every time you leave the house you get hurt. And you know we don't have time to rush to the hospital with you", "No, we're not having a birthday party for you, we don't have the time or patience for this nonsense!", "No Evan, you're not getting that for Christmas . It's too expensive, if we buy it, it won't be enough to buy your sister's present!"... No, no, no... His life was full of no's.

Sometimes he wanted to be mad at Maddie for being the perfect daughter, winning things, being listened to and praised. Yet he couldn't get angry because Maddie was the one who sneaked out of the house to buy first-aid items at the pharmacy when he fell off his bike, it was Maddie who took him to the hospital when he fell off his skateboard and broke his arm two years ago, always it was Maddie who praised him for his good or bad grades and said that if he tried harder he could improve, and it was also Maddie who was criticized and grounded when she protected him or let him do something that his parents considered wrong. And now she was leaving him, she was leaving him with them...

- I need to go, Evan! - Maddie exclaimed, running her fingers slowly through the youngest's golden strands - Austin isn't even that far away, and I'll be just a phone call away. Everything will be fine! - She finished smiling.

- Pinky promise? - He asked childishly, raising the little finger of his right hand.

- Pinky promise! - She confirmed grabbing her brother's finger with her own.


But it wasn't all right... After his sister left and stopped serving as a buffer between him and his parents, things got a lot worse. Evan began to be criticized for everything, for every little thing that happened, whether or not it was his fault. He even tried calling Maddie once, but his dad caught him as he punched in her sister's number on the home phone. His father turned purple with rage and snatched the phone from his hands. He stared at his father with wide eyes, he had never seen his father with such an animalistic expression. Evan closed his eyes and moaned when he felt his father's hands grip his arms, he had already taken some slaps, pinches and ear pulls from his father and this became more frequent after Maddie left. But this was different, that strange gleam in his father's eyes was new and it scared him a lot.

- WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING EVAN? - Phillip shouted the question while shaking Evan hard, making the boy's eyes widen even more.

- Maddie... - The little one whispered in a thin voice, shivers running down his spine as he stared at his father. By this time his mother had appeared behind his father and Evan looked at her with a mute plea for help, but obviously nothing happened as she didn't care about him.


The boy was thrown against the wall, pain exploded in his head, tears ran down his cheeks without him noticing, his ears rang and his vision was blurred. His father was still shouting and his mother joined in, but he couldn't understand what was being said to him. He didn't know any Daniel so how was he supposed to save him... What were those black dots?... What did Maddie say about a headache?... Sleep... Sleep helps ease the pain, Maddie said so... And Maddie is studying nursing... So she must be right... Sleep, Evan just needs to sleep...


Things continued to get worse, the screaming and beatings increased by the day. And that's why Evan Buckley ran away for the first time at age 12. He packed a few clothes into a backpack, grabbed some snacks from the kitchen, and stole about $500 from his parents' wallets. And he ran away...



I really hope you enjoyed that.

Don't know when I'll post the next chapter, but I hope this will be soon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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