Two men, one woman

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Author's Note: Sorry about the wait. I was mentally tired during the last two weeks of school. There were exams and I had to study. But guess what? The exams were easy and I didn't have to study. My last day of school was May 17, 2023. (Today is May 27, Saturday. Time: 12:21 am.) Now, it's summer! Hope you enjoy this new book.

Y/n POV's ~~~

  Thinking about Erik, it always put a smile on my face. It makes me giggle how sweet he is. He is a dream that unexpectedly came true.
  "What is making you smile, dear?" Father asked.
  "Oh, umm, nothing. Just in a good mood." I said.
  "Had too much coffee, perhaps?" Gabriel joked. Oh, I forgot he was here. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

  "I think, I'm going to excuse myself from the table. Good afternoon." I said and started walking.
  "Ahem." I heard my father fixed his throat.
  "Wait, Y/n, I want to ask you something..." Gabriel stood up from his seat.
  "Ugh, what is it?" I groaned.
  "Y/n, be respectful." Father scolded. I rolled my eyes.

  Gabriel walked towards me, he stopped in front of me, and got down on one knee. Oh no...
  "Y/n, will you marry me, please?" Gabriel asked. I looked at the corner of my eye, I saw Angelina. She had her hands on her mouth. Oh no, Angelina, this is the guy that asked you to dance.

I'm glad, I can say no. I never liked Gabriel after what he did.
  "Umm, Gabriel. Sorry not sorry but no." I said irritatedly.
  "Y/n, may I have a word with you?" Father asked.
  "Later, I'm going to my room." I said. I walked out of the room and went to my room.

When I went in my room, I locked the door. I don't want to deal with anyone, right now. I just want to be with Erik, right now. To feel his touch and kiss.
I sighed as I was standing at the door.
"Ahem." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see who.

It was Erik. He was laying down, wearing a white shirt and his black pants. Goddamnit, Erik.

  "How are you, beautiful?" He asked, seductively. I bet
I was blushing, I could feel my cheeks getting warm.
  "I-uhh...I am alright. How about you, darling?" I asked.
  "I'm alright as well." He said, smiling, seductively. I was feeling mix feelings about this. I'm not ready.

  "Uhh, what are you doing, Erik?" I asked nervously. He looked down and sighed.
  "Your jealous, aren't you?" I asked.
  "Yes. He propos—"
  "I said "no," Erik. You know I don't like him. I despise—no, I loathe him with passionate anger and hate." I explained. He got up from the bed and walked towards me.

I looked down. I felt his hand lifting my face to look at him.
  "I'm sorry, it's just..." he paused, "It's just..." He got on one knee and held my hands.
  "Y/n, umm...will you—"

Angel Chained to Dark Heart 'Book 2'(Reader/Yn x The Phantom of the Opera) ❤️‍🔥🌹Where stories live. Discover now