A Proposal

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Y/n's POV ~~~~

" Y/n, will you—Are you alright, love?" He asked because my hands were mostly covering my face. Some tears were rolling down my face. He stood up to comfort me
" Yes...Yes, I am alright. Yes, I will marry you." I said as I put my arms around his neck and we kissed the most gentle and passionate kiss.

We stopped to catch our breath and he put the ring on my finger. I giggled a little...because I am happy.
  " I love you, Y/n. I want to make you happy and...I love you more than anything. Heck, I love you more than my own life. I would risk my life for you." He explained.

  " I love you too, Erik. And I know you will make me happy..." I looked down a little and sighed a bit. His thumb and finger lifted my face to look into his eyes.
  " What is it, darling?" He asked.
  " Will I make you happy? Even though I don't sing?" I asked, tears swelling in my eyes,

  " Yes, you are perfect the way you are. I don't care if you sing or not. I love you just the way you are. You are like a ray of sunshine. You are my sun, sweetheart. I get insecure to, you know?" He questioned.

  " Ha, why would you get insecure?" I asked.
  " Because...well, because..." he paused.
  " Because what?" I asked.
  " Because of Gabriel. The man is more handsome than me. He doesn't have a distorted face like me. He—" I interrupted him with a kiss.

  " I love you, Erik. Your face is healing. I prefer a mature man like you instead of that man that looks like he would sleep with other women." I said. We both laughed a little. We kissed.

  " I love you, Y/n." Erik said.
  " I love you, Erik." I said. We both walked over to the bed and cuddled and fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you enjoyed this. Sorry about not updating a lot. Hope you enjoyed this though.

Angel Chained to Dark Heart 'Book 2'(Reader/Yn x The Phantom of the Opera) ❤️‍🔥🌹Where stories live. Discover now