**In the busiest streets of West City, two teenage girls were sitting by the café having a conversation with them holding their phones**
Random Girl #1: Did you see the new pair of shoes that this store has? They look so cute!
Random Girl #2: Girl, I heard that they're selling them out for a limited time! You should order them quickly!
Random Girl #1: OMG, I DEFINITELY need to get it! I'll probably wear them on my next date!
Random Girl #2: Yeah! Send me a screen shot of them when you get it.
**Just around the corner hidden behind the flower vineyard, a black hair woman with light emerald green eyes was watching them while enjoying a slice of a fruit tart and a glass cup of tea**
???:(Hm...seems like things really have changed a little since then. I wonder what else has been different around here? On the bright side, at least I'm not sitting on the throne being bored anymore..)