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"can you come over?" a gruff voice resonated from my speaker.

"thought you wanted a break," the words dripped from my lips, laced with an unhealthy amount of venom.

"fucking hell."

"get off my line dickhead," i scoffed.

laughter from my remark echoed from the device in my hand, followed by alejandro hanging up.

i padded over to my bed, eyebrows knit together. tiredness seeped through my bones as i snuggled under the covers, sinking into the plush mattress. letting my eyelids fall shut, i awaited my paradisiacal slumber.


i was woken up by banging against the front door. groaning, i shoved my head under a pillow praying i was in a stupid little dream, but several disruptive knocks later, i realized this was the real world again.

"give me a sec, i'm coming!" i yelled, even though i knew whoever was at the door would never be able to hear me from my room. tumbling out of bed, i clumsily rushed down the stairs in my ethikas and oversized tee. it didn't dawn on me that i had no bra until i had already opened the door, but it quickly vanished from my mind after seeing the one behind those brutal knocks.

"what the hell are you doing here?" i said, irritated that not only was i woken up from a good nap, but also to a face i didn't want to see for a while.

"i drove all the way here and that's the greeting i get?" alejandro questioned, resting his hands on my hips and pulling me impossibly closer.

"nobody fucking asked you to come here," i snapped, sick of his behavior.

"i missed us," he sighed, hands beginning to roam all over my body. they slipped underneath my shirt, gently running up my back, before making a sudden drop to the curve of my ass to prod and fondle the skin there. his touch felt so good and i hated every second of how i loved it so much. i didn't even notice my breathing had become staggered until i tried to form a sentence.

"there is no us," i whimpered, placing my forehead in the crook of his neck. instead of letting it rest there, he nudged my head backwards and captured my lips in a steamy kiss. i mumbled incoherent words in between breaths but i couldn't get the message across to him, so i placed my hands on his chest and pushed hard enough, allowing me to retreat my wet lips from his greedy ones.

alejandro muttered under his breath, shoving past me and making a beeline for the kitchen. i was left alone to close the door before i rejoined him in the living room. when i saw him again, a caprisun had been nestled in between his perfectly two toned lips and he was manspreading on my couch, flicking through tv channels.

"it's rude to go through someone's kitchen without asking," i bitterly stated, sitting on the minuscule part of the couch that wasn't occupied by his sprawled limbs.

"and it's rude to cuss people out, yet here you are," he indulged in a little banter, knowing his snarky responses pissed me off.

"you think you're funny?"


silence ensued, but i had no plans to utter a word to the black haired boy next to me. unfortunately, it wasn't long before alejandro took it upon himself to break it.

"i have a game in a few days. you coming?" he asked, still engaged with whatever he had displayed on the tv.

"do i have a choice?" it was rhetorical. i already knew the answer.

alejandro snorted, whispering in a raspy voice, "nah."

he would drag me there whether i wanted to or not.

"i'll send u the tickets. bring a friend if you want to. also, can i stay the night?" he continued, glancing toward me.

"do what you want just don't disturb me. i'm going to bed," i responded as i departed from the couch, halting at the foot of the staircase.

"buenas noches. te amo," alejandro said.

"mhm, eso es lo que todo dicen," i muttered, retreating from the unbearable atmosphere confining us. slowly treading up the stairs, i look over my shoulder, watching alejandro make himself comfortable on my couch.

MISTAKES, a. baldeWhere stories live. Discover now