463 18 23

incoming facetime from asap 🪨

i pressed decline with haste.

asap 🪨
44 text messages

asap 🪨
19 missed calls

"bro leave me the fuck alone..." i sighed, throwing my phone into the pool of blankets and pillows with no intentions of finding it later. i sniffled and pulled the covers over my head letting an indescribable gut-wrenching feeling tear my stomach up. unfortunately for me, bed rotting had become a disgustingly normal routine for the past few days. i hated how much this man affected me. closing my eyes, i submerged into pitch black darkness in hopes it would drown out the world around me.

momentarily, i felt something hit my cheek, "what the f..." i trailed off grumbling. releasing a hand that was sandwiched between the bed and my body, i felt around my face, only to be met with a paper smooth surface. i cracked my eye open to see the objects that were sprawled across my face, faintly recognizing the portrait of an old white nigga.

"i know u fucking lying," i scoffed, laughing seconds after. i slowly tossed and turned, taking my time to sit up in bed when all of a sudden i heard this agitating, grating voice.

"finally," the voice groaned, making my head swivel and the food i barely managed to stomach the night prior, lurch up to my throat. my eyes twitched at the brown skin man hovering over my figure, before they flickered between the scattered stacks of 20 dollar bills on the bed and his solemn expression.

"are you trying to buy me nigga?? i'm not a slave," i guffawed at alejandro's continuous boldness that never ceased to surprise me.

alejandro's eyes dropped down the bed before he uttered, "you're not worth that much, kamali." gesturing to the money spread on the bed next to me. completely taken aback, i didn't know how to respond, so instead i allowed my jaw to fall slack, my gaze scrutinizing his face for any hints of sarcasm. to my dismay, an extremely long moment of silence loomed over our conversation while we held eye contact. unexpectedly, alejandro snaked his hand around the back of my neck and filtered them through a patch of my dark brown strands, gripping hard enough to move my head at free will. after, he bent down to my level and moved our faces closer until they were inches apart. as i gazed wide-eyed into his dark orbs, he leaned in to press a chaste kiss against my lips.

"i'm just messing, mami. you know i love u," alejandro cracked a smile presuming his old stance but keeping his hand attached the back of my head where he began to massage my scalp.

"bro." i looked up at him, pursing my lips together in disbelief. although i couldn't help the subtle moan that escaped my lips from how intimate his touch felt.

"not ya bro," he snapped back with efficiency, removing his hand from my head and cutting the massage short, letting it fall back to his side. alejandro's retort caused me to roll my eyes but i guess he didn't like that response either, "and lose the attitude." he stared down at me through his hooded lids.


i'm tired so this when i wake up and finally continue this i want it to be maybe kamali says you are now or so what are you?  to "not ya bro" or smthn else idk my brain is shutting down. then alejandro says lose the attitude. kamali says no. alejandro says move over. kamali says no. alejandro says bro i'm gonna hit u. kamali laughs drly and says won't be the first time. alejandro doesn't respond instead pick her up bridal style and throws into the center of the bed and wraps his arms around her trapping her. kamali says unhand me nigga. alejandro either bites her cheek or her neck. idk bites smwhere. kamali shrieks.

i don't have the rest planned so future me will think of some stuff to write on the spot from there once im done with this

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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