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Hello there!

I am Lee Felix, and I want to share with you the story of how I met someone when I thought it was impossible for him to exist. The beautiful demon that has permanently etched his face on my brain and the one who is in my thoughts every single minute of every single day.

He made me feel so much- I went from fearing him to the extent that I cried myself to sleep every night- to loving him so deeply that I feel like I can't breathe without him.

At first, I was scared of him, but he was so caring and loving toward me that I fell for him- HARD.

He gave me the time and space I needed to be comfortable with his presence, and I eventually was wrapped with his charms to the extent that I let him have my virginity.

That day he made me feel so loved- so wanted- with every single word he whispered into my ear- Every single one of his touches that were hot yet gentle for a demon that I called upon from the blazing fire of hell.

It may seem wrong for a mere human like me to fall for someone like him- a demon- but I couldn't help it. He just conquered my heart with all the love he showed me.

My feelings for him are never going to let me move on now that he is not here.

One day, he just vanished into thin air and never showed himself to me.

It was all my fault.

It was and still is the worst day of my life.

He left me because I made him- He looked so disappointed in me when I said those words to him- and now, I am deeply regretting it and desperately trying to get him back to me.

I was never supposed to meet him in the first place. I keep repeating that to myself every day I spend without him. Yet here I am, sobbing, missing someone I might never get back and it is all my fault. I am an Idiot. I deserve this- I do not deserve anyone to love me- not even MY DEMON.

Someone that I know can feel and see all the pain I am going through, yet he is choosing not to be with me.

Maybe he is trying to teach me a lesson?

I deeply long for him to come back, but I know that he will never love me the same way he did.

It breaks my heart just to think he just wanted me for my body.

I wonder where he is and how I can ever get him back.

Do I have to beg him?

How was I supposed to know that a Demon could be a drama queen, too?

How was I supposed to know that I was going to hurt him?

But before I keep leading you into that deep end I am currently sitting on, let me take you back to when I met him.

Are you ready to hear the story?


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The demon I Summoned. Hyunlix ✔Where stories live. Discover now