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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. (Updated Chapter!)

Let's just get straight to the point, I'm Lee Minho. I'm a mafia member and you can count on me to always do my job right, it's most likely a skill for me, yet also a charm.
I don't need to rely on anyone to protect me, afterall they should be scared of me.

I was just walking down the sidewalk at 11:49 PM at night, just hoping to get fresh air and space since I carried the whole team since the missions this week.
As I was thinking I suddenly heard 2 boys hanging up on one guy, who looked trouble yet handsome.
"Give us the money! You KIM! "
"I'm sorry! Just please give me more time! "
The boy struggled, much more likely about to be beaten up.
"too late." As the guy was about to throw a punch, I held him back..
What do you think your doing?
I say, my eyes shift to a colder stare, the guy was shocked and looked over at his friend.
Who agreed to run.
"We'll get you, NEXT TIME KIM! "
The 2 boys ran like pigs, overall they are.. Pigs.
"Thank you so much sir! You can't believe how thankful I am right now! "
The boy who was gasping for air.
I looked at him and nodded, silence filled the gap within us.
"Uhh, I'm Kim.. Kim seungmin! "
The boy gladly said.
"Lee Minho. "
I introduced myself, coldly.
"Thank you ag-"
" no need to thank me. "
I mean, the boy would have been dead or end up badly with those 2 boys.
"Is there anyway I can.. You know? Repay you? "
The boy who was named seungmin asked,
"Cup of coffee would work. "
We headed to a cafe to talk about what happen earlier.
" so, Minho right? What do you work as? "
The boy said, I fake being a psychologist to keep my cover safe.
"Psychologist at the MaxiDent Hospital. "
"That must be cool, I only work at the cramped down 7-11."
He said, with a giggle following after.
His giggle was soft, much more petite.
There are many words I can describe him as, soft, precious, and pretty funny.
I smiled at his goofiness.
"Oh yes! Minho do you go to the 7-11? "
"Not quite, I go to minimart instead, I find cramped down stores not a safer environment for me. "
I say, with him following with a ohh.
He was precious, a precious person.
I felt like I knew him all my life, I don't understand the spark between us.
Could he be the one to my heart?


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