The cat.

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The night was dark and quiet, except for the occasional sound of a car driving by on the street. In a small apartment on the second floor of a rundown building, a woman named Karen was fast asleep with her cat, Luna, curled up beside her.

Suddenly, Luna's ears perked up and she started to meow insistently. Karen stirred and opened her eyes, confused and groggy. She was about to shush Luna and go back to sleep when she noticed something strange, a faint glow coming from the living room.

Karen got up slowly, trying not to upset Luna and made her way to the living room. She was shocked to find a stranger in her apartment, rummaging through her belongings. Karen tried to scream, but the intruder was quick to grab her and cover her mouth.

"Shut up, lady," the intruder hissed. "And don't do anything stupid, If you give me what i want, i won't hurt you".

Karen was trembling with fear, but her thoughts turned to Luna, when she saw her reflection on the television while she was passing quickly behind the intruder's legs. She knew she had to protect her cat at all costs. With a quick motion, she broke free from the intruder's grasp and ran to the kitchen, where she kept a small knife. She had never used it before, but she was determined to protect herself and Luna.

The intruder pursued her, but as he approached, Luna jumped out from behind the kitchen counter and attacked him, clawing at his face and biting his hand. The intruder screamed in pain and ran out of the apartment, leaving Karen and Luna shaken but unharmed.

The police arrived quickly and Karen told them everything that had happened. They took Luna's paw prints and fur samples as evidence, hoping to track down the intruder. Karen was amazed at how brave and protective Luna had been and she realized that her cat was more than just a pet, she was a hero.

A few days later, the police called Karen with good news, they had caught the intruder, thanks to a part of the evidence they had gathered from Luna. Karen was relieved, grateful and she knew that she owed Luna her life.

From that day on, Karen treated Luna like a queen, giving her all the love and attention she deserved. And whenever she looked at her brave little cat, she was reminded that heroes can come in all shapes and sizes, even in the form of a small, furry companion.

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