人生の選択 X 新しい教師 ; 1

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Waking up from my alarm 6:00am. Rubbing my eyes to wake up than looking at the ceiling before getting up to get ready, walking out of my room to the bathroom. Washing my face and grabbing a towel to clean off the water and than fixing my bed hair, after fixing it I go back to my room to change.

 Washing my face and grabbing a towel to clean off the water and than fixing my bed hair, after fixing it I go back to my room to change

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(Ignore the bag-)

Fixing my shirt a bit than grabbing my bag then walk down stairs. fix a sandwich for lunch and grab a snack for whenever I take a bar for breakfast, than sit on the couch for a bit and watch something for the mean time. looking at the clock to see it's 7:43am.. huh.. time goes fast, getting off the couch and walking out the door and going out my bag with my lunch, snack, notebook, pencils, erasers, bla bla I got them all. walking up to the bus stop waiting there, bus got here I walk in and take a seat quite loud and it's 8:00am in the morning.. I wonder how people have a lot of energy at this time? I notice we were at school already so I grab my bag and walk out of the bus.


Sitting in my seat laying head on my desk...

"Hey have you heard that theirs new teachers going here today!"

"Yeah!! I'm excited!!!"

"I've heard that theirs four or five men and three lady's? I don't know but I to am excited!!!"

'new teachers?'

I thought pecking interest of this. The teacher came in as the other kids run to there desk.

"Alright children, as you heard there are new teachers coming.. they'll be coming tomorrow they are from Japan and there quite famous where their from so, I want you to behave beat behaviors for our new guest alright?" The teacher said looking at their students, the students nod back to them as so on the class goes on as usual, learning stuff the teacher hand out paperwork and started. I stare at it looking over the paperwork figuring out the questions, I didn't understand them all I did some. Did some doodles here and there on my paper sighing after kinda finishing the paperwork handing it in and went back to my seat waiting till school over...

( Sorry that this is short but more will hopefully be longer then this one, but hope you. enjoy, sorry if theirs any misspells, first time doing a story so bare with me if anything is spelt wrong or anything.)

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