5. jokes on you

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A/N: like I promised I would try to upload another one as soon as possible.

Vote and comment if you like to!                                                                                                                                     ___________________________________________________________

Elizabeth's pov:

While I walked to herbology to tell the proffesor (proffesor Sprout but we don't know that yet)  that I might be a bit late, because of proffesor I don't know who. When I was about to walk out the front door when two redhaired boys, who wore griffindor robes bumped into me. "isn't she the girl that got detention with Dumbledore because of a prank in her first lesson ?" one of them said, "yeah I think that that is her." I was surprised that so many people already knew, while I didn't even know it myself, but I guess it was kinda obvious after what I had done.

"uhm I can hear you guys, and I have a name btw" I said, "oh yeah sorry, I'm Fred and this is George, nice to meet you" one of them replied, the other one just blankly said: "you really think that you can take our joke title, well forget it stupid little girl" I didn't know why he reacted like that but I guess that the slytherin prefect was right though.    

When I walked back again to the office of surly-looking Mcgonnagall, I realised that I forgot to warn the proffesor that I could be late, I didn't care.  As I walked into the office I saw a very old man standing in a corner, "that must be Dumbledore" I tought. That is when he said: "you're in big, big trouble young lady" I shrugged "I don't care to be honest" I replied, to which Mcgonnagal said: "that's exactly what I meant with disrespectful Albus." "Your turned your proffesor into a bottle of water?" Dumbledore asked "yes" I replied "first of all is that extremely disrespectful, and second of all that is very advanced wandless magic that even I struggle to produce." "I learned it myself" I said, another lie

Lucius learned it me when I was young so I could be a faithful servant to my father when the time comes. Beside wandless magic me and my brothers were taught a lot more magic



"You are such a stupid slut" Lucius screamed at me "your father would be dissapointed", whatever I succeeded in he would always find something that I did wrong. I was only seven, and already getting compared to my brothers, being called a slut and taught some of the darkest magic ever known to mankind. While unlike my brothers I had already mastered wandless magic and most of the other spells, I couldn't get it over my heart to use the unforgivable curses.


Another flashback: 

I screamed in pain as the curse hit me again and again, Lucius decided that it would be a good idea to give me a 'little demonstration' of the cruciatus curse (which I still hadn't mastered.) It wasn't the first time that he did this but I couldn't remember anytime that he had let it go on for so long. 'Crucio' Lucius said, I cried when the curse hit me for what felt like the hundred time today. My blood all over the ground. The last thing I saw before passing out was Narcissa picking me up and carrying to my room.


After that Lucius acted a bit nicer to me, and over time I also mastered the unforgivable curses.

"Hello miss Riddle, hello???" proffesor Mcgonnagal was waving her hand in front of my face "Oh sorry I just zoned out" I replied. Mcgonnagal let out a sigh "what I've been trying to tell you is that you have detention with Dumbledore untill christmas break each week on monday 8 o'clock"


A/N: I know that it's been a while and I don't know if anyone is still reading this but I hope you like it so vote and comment if you like to <<<333 I hope I can post another chapter soon but I can't promise anything, anyway thanks for reading.

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