Chapter 2

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Bumblebee's systems came online with a steady hum. His HUD flashed brief warnings that the yellow bot hardly took any care to read fully, then cleared. After a window popped up, saying COMING ONLINE, then disappeared, he was finally able to bring his optics online.

He was lying on the small bench aboard the TX44560, staring up at the scuffed ceiling. Sunlight poured in through the windshield, close to reaching him. Starscream wasn't within the ship. However, Bumblebee didn't worry about that - he often took multi-cycle-long flights early in the morning, to "make up for lost time," as he put it. As they both had been cooped up in the ship for multiple orns on end, he understood.

Bumblebee groaned and rubbed his face. He slowly sat up, pistons creaking and overlapping plates rubbing together. One luxury the ship didn't have was recharging cables. So while, yes, one could recharge and regain energy, it wasn't of the quality neither bot was used to, leaving them both groggy. Which also prompted the long flights and long recharges from Starscream and Bumblebee respectively.

Speaking of, Bumblebee heard two small, consecutive beeps at the door. The door's hydraulics hissed as they depressurized, allowing it to slide open for whoever had access. He knew for sure it had to be Starscream at the door. Still, his helm snapped over to it as someone stepped in. Lo and behold, it was the flier. Refreshed and energized from his morning flight, a smile at his derma. He looked at Bumblebee, and his wings fluttered.

"You're awake." He said.

"Yep." Bumblebee said, yawning, "Wish I wasn't."

Starscream cycled his optics and padded to the front of the ship. He gave a pat to the smaller bot's shoulder as he passed.

"Don't be so mopey. It's your turn to take a supply run, anyways." He said, "So, up you get..."

The flier said two words in the Nebulan language at the end. From what Bumblebee remembered, it meant "small one" in Standard Cybertronian. In addition to his freedom, Starscream basically decided to embrace the Nebulan language and culture. It was very similar to Cybertronian, no doubt, but different enough for the flier's inner-explorer to become fascinated. Unlike Bumblebee, who simply learned their exchange rates and basic communication in their Modified-Old Cybertronian dialect.

Bumblebee groaned at the reminder of their once-a-mega-cycle supply run. It was never much - just enough Energon to survive for the next mega-cycle and whatever other items they required - but the hassle into the city was a prospect they both hated. They tried going together, but the anxiety of someone discovering and taking their ship (how ironic) always cut their trip too short. Nonetheless, the yellow bot prepared to go. He grabbed a bag from the locker, refueled, then bade Starscream goodbye and left the ship.

The first step onto the dewy grass in the morning was always jarring. Living in a world mostly made of metal made a place like this almost unwelcoming to the Cybertronians. The trees were of various heights, ranging from towering to mere sprouts in the ground; their branches reached for the orangish sky, leaves pointed at the ends and shining fruits hanging underneath. The underbrush was largely made up of ferns and other indigenous greenery.

The clearing the TX44560 landed in was a miracle to find. It was protected by the tall trees, with some large boulders protecting its right side. Some underbrush was piled around it to (hopefully) help it stay concealed. It was also far away from any small communities, and even further away from the main city.

The sky was already bright with morning orange, fading into the light purples of daytime, and the two suns taking their positions in the sky as well.

Bumblebee looked away from it all, and started his march through the forest. It was mostly dark, even as the suns got to their peak at his halfway mark. The darkness would be briefly interrupted by pockets of light, dotting the ground like Cheetor's back. It was a peaceful walk, though Bumblebee was barely ever aware.

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