Chapter 11

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Bumblebee drove as fast as he could through the forest. He had close calls with trees and wildlife, drifting left and right to avoid the obstacles. He could hear the flier gaining on him, as well as Ironhide's tires spitting dirt and rock. He didn't slow down, not even for a moment.

The sound of transformation echoed through the sky, and something was fired at the yellow bot. He was bombarded by warnings of an incoming projectile. He couldn't move in time, as the missile impacted with his side, causing him to topple over. Bumblebee transformed, landing on his back. He groaned as he tried to stand.

The jet that had been chasing him transformed, and he landed nearby. He padded over to the downed bot, smirking. He placed a pede on the smaller bot's chassis, leaned over, and rested an arm against his knee.

"I can't wait to bring ya to Cybertron. Think of all the Shanix we'd be gettin' from this job." He said.

The jet sighed and straightened, then moving his pede off of Bumblebee's chassis.

"Too bad they need ya alive." He said, "Otherwise, I'd gladly put a-"

The jet was interrupted by spitting debris and transformation. He whipped around, and was promptly met with a fist to the face. The jet yelled in pain, but didn't go down. The bot swung again, and he finally fell onto his back. He wasn't completely offline, but dazed enough for the bot to focus on Bumblebee.


Someone grabbed the yellow bot's arm and pulled him up to sit. Crouching in front of him was Bumblebee's friend, Ironhide.

"Primus, kid." The red bot muttered, "Are ya okay?"

"I... I'm fine." The yellow bot said.

Ironhide helped him to his pedes, and allowed the smaller bot to lean against him for support. The larger bot kept a gentle grip on his friend's shoulder.

"'Hide," Bumblebee began, "why're you here?"

"Prime was worried 'bout ya. Wanted to check in in ya, then be on our way." Ironhide said, "There's... a lot we need ta catch up on, isn't there?"

The yellow bot sighed and nodded. There was a moment of silence.

"Now's not the time." The older bot said, "Screamer's still in danger. We need ta find 'im an' get outta here."

Bumblebee suddenly backed away from the red bot, looking about their surroundings.

"Starscream." He muttered, "Frag, frag! I need to find him!"

"Bee, you're injured. You-"

The smaller bot was already transforming and driving away to find the flier. Ironhide sighed. Before he could transform and go after his friend, the jet groaned and sat up. He staggered back to his pedes, ready for another round.

"You can't get me down that easily." He spat.

"Really?" Ironhide scoffed and smirked, "I think I can beat ya in five astros, maybe less."

"Wanna bet on that?" The Mercenary asked.

Before the red bot could quip back, the jet was already charging at him.

=== === ===

Starscream flew over the trees as fast as he could. His and Bumblebee's meeting sight was becoming ever closer, making the flier push more fuel to his boosters to go faster. However, the jet on his trail was getting close to him.

He started firing at Starscream. The red and blue flier began to weave through the gunfire, though it barely worked for long. The jet's gunfire eventually reached Starscream's boosters, and they were taken offline with an explosion. The flier screeched in pain, beginning his descent towards the ground. The jet followed him. He transformed in midair, and aimed a kick at the top of Starscream's alt mode.

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