Chapter Six

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One dinner date turned into two, which turned into four, which turned into long nights staying up talking. Yoongi was right, my nerves have finally calmed a bit, even though every time he walks through my door, my senses go into overdrive. I've never been so head over heels for anyone in my life.

"You look good in an apron," I smile as I place a soft kiss on Yoongi's cheek.

"I know," he says with a smirk as he turns the pieces of meat he is searing in the grill pan.

He insisted on making me dinner this evening, and I'm more than happy to watch this man in my kitchen. When we sit down at my little coffee table, he seems so proud of himself, which amuses me to know end.

After dinner, we cuddle on the couch and chat for a while. "You seem so much happier than you did when I first met you," he says as he strokes his fingers through my hair and then pushes it away from my face. The way he touches me always feels like a welcome surprise.

"I haven't felt sad in a while," I say simply. "You make me happy."

"You make me feel like there is a world outside of my studio for the first time in my life," he says as he kisses the skin below my ear, making me tilt my head to the side, inviting him to continue.

"You can't keep saying these things to me. You're making me fall for you more every day," I sigh with a broad smile as my eyes glaze over.

"Making you fall for me? Good because I fell for you ages ago," he whispers in my ear as I freeze in place.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say," I breathe out while he traces his tongue across my collarbone.

"You heard me; I said it with my whole chest," he replies in his deep raspy tone.

"Oh, Yoongi," I reply, but it comes out shaky because I feel like we've been going at warp speed from the time we met, but I don't want to slow down even though my reasonable side is urging me to be careful.

He stands up slowly, tugging my hands up with him as he leads me down the hallway toward my bedroom, and I follow with my heart pounding in my chest. The next thing I know, he is kissing me up against my bedroom wall, leaving a trail of kisses upon my skin as he asks me all the important questions about consent and birth control. His need to proceed safely while respecting boundaries only makes me more confident that the time is right when we tumble onto my bed together.

Somewhere in the darkness, we hear Smudge let out a meow, and Yoongi chuckles, "Not right now, Smudge."

We hear her paws pad away down the hallway, and I melt into this man. "I adore you, Hayley," he mumbles into my ear and then proceeds to cherish me well into the night.

Yoongi and I spend most of the next morning in bed together, chatting, kissing, and touching. He easily switches between sultry and soft when he senses my needs and doesn't mind that I often need to feel in control, making it a joy to discover each other.

"I need to freshen up," I say finally. He places kisses atop my head, making me regret leaving the bed as I depart to the bathroom.

I hear his phone ring, which is surprising since we mostly text, and as I'm finishing up, I hear him speaking.

"I know, I'm usually in the studio by now, but I got caught up somewhere this morning. I'll be in soon," he says, and I scrunch my nose because he sounds like he's defending himself. "No, no, I'm not getting too distracted. It's not your business to talk to me about my relationships; you know that. Look, you need to relax. Hey, I told you I felt like I was out of stories to tell for this next album, and after last night, I promise you, I have more to tell! Mission accomplished; now stop complaining, and I'll be in soon!"

Mission accomplished? Are you fucking kidding me?

I freeze in place, my heart pounding.

Is this all that I am to him? Just an experience he can draw on for material for new songs? Am I just fuel for his next fucking album?

I wrap my robe around myself, desperately ashamed I let this man see me naked, and I'm instantly sick to my stomach. I knew none of this was adding up. The chance meeting, the pursuit of someone like me. I want to go in there and scream at him, tell him to get out, but I'm so stunned I'm frozen in place staring at myself in the mirror.

I knew I didn't fucking deserve love....

A few minutes later, Yoongi appears by my side clothed, looking disheveled in the best way, and it only stabs me in the heart deeper.

"I'm so sorry, Hayley. I have to go home and then head to the company. I was supposed to be there hours ago, but I didn't want to leave you," he says as he places a kiss on my cheek.

"Okay," I say, but the word feels almost robotic as I turn toward the door. I'm so upset that I can't even form a proper response to all that is unfolding before me.

"Oh, Sweetheart, I'll walk myself out. I'll text you later," he says kindly, and the words feel sticky sweet now that I know they are hollow. "You're amazing, Hayley!" he calls out as he disappears down the hallway, and then I hear the door click shut, the sound echoing in my brain. I feel myself losing control of my emotions as my heart shatters like glass that has been causally dropped on the floor.

Picking up my phone as I sink to the floor in disbelief, I open my contacts and locate his number.


Never again.

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