Chapter 1:New Begining!

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In a rotted world that seems like it is dying are beings known as Shingami, deaths gods . 

These Shinigami seem to do nothing and just sit there and gamble away. However sitting on top of a cliff is a Shinigami who seems to be unamused by the Shinigami that are gambling below his feet, he mutters the words "bored" he then shouts "why does this place have to be so boring?" The other Shinigami suddenly turn their attention to the Shinigami sitting on the cliff. One shouts "hey you idiot be quite were trying to gamble here" he then says underneath his breath "stupid new guy" all the other Shinigami turned back around to continue gambling from afar it seemed like they were playing cards. 

"Hey Raght what you doing up here?" 

"Oh its you Ryuk" Raght says with a simile on his face. "um yeah, right I was just you know thinking about how boring this place is"Raght rest his head against his hand and the stares out to the nothingness in the Shinigami realm. "you know it would be so much better if i could escape this place and have a bit of fun you know?" Ryuk smirked  

"Fun you say well let me tell you a little story" Raght turns around to face Ryuk  

"It best not be about a apple" Raght says jokingly. 

"No don't you worry, it something almost as interesting as apples" Ryuk sits down, his big black wings dropped to ground as well, as he sat down he pulled out a dried up apple and began to tell Raght about how he met a boy who wanted to be god of the human world and used a death note to kill criminals. He also tells him how he got to the human realm and how he fount the boy.

After a good 30minutes Ryuk was done explaining about the boy. Afterwards he got up and yawned. Raght seemed to have passion burning in his eyes which was ironic cause he didn't have any eyes. He turns to Ryuk" Ryuk I know how I'm going to cure my boredom I'm going to the human world just like you!". Ryuk laughed "you want to go the human world ok then have fun but here take this," Ryuk brings out a black book with the words written in white 'Death Note'. Raght was shocked that Ryuk had just done such a thing, that he was offering his death note to him. Raght let out a deep breath" I appreciate the gesture but if you give me this you wont be able to write the names of humans in your book therefore you wont be able to expand your life and ended up dead." 

"Don't worry about it beside do think I'm dumb enough to give you MY death note? This is my second death note I have two this is the one i gave that boy to in my story, also I replaced the pages that had been written on with new blank ones. Another thing it has the death note rules wrote out in English" 

Raght seemed happy he took the book out of Ryuk hands and but it in his other pocket. "thanks with this now I can go have some fun" 

"yeah just make sure you bring me back human apples they taste so much better then Shinigami apples maybe it because their not dried up?" Ryuk begins to scratch his head and think hard about it "well anyway im off to get some more apples" Ryuk spreads out his wings and begins to fly away. Raght watched Ryuk for a bit till he could only see a small spec in the sky. He lifted his wing and began to fly towards the massive hole located in the center of the Shinigami realm. As he was flying he passed the other Shinigami that were playing cards, and only felt sorry for their depressing life's.

It was not long before Raght made it to the center of the Shinigami realm. Beneath Raght feet was a massive hole in the ground it was surrounded by bones on it edges. Along the interior it had stair case going down in a spiral pattern. The stairs led to a white light that was radiating at the bottom of the hole. Raght seemed excited and with no second thoughts swooped down to the hole and headed straight towards the white light.

Raght emerged out of the sky from a white circle it seemed like some sort of gateway. 

"So this is the infamous human world it a bit cold but oh well guess ill have to get used to it" Raght moves his skeletal hand around in his coat pocket till he got out the death note that Ryuk gave him. "So if i remember correctly Ryuk fount this boy at a school by by by by ummmmm... Oh yeah! By dropping it in the playground." Raght suddenly moves his hand to his heads and starts to fly a bit like a drunk driver  

Death Note: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now