~Am i attracted to you??~

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17 year-old Quentin hopped out of his bed and went to his in-room-bathroom,he brushed his teeth while running water in his shower. "Fucking tyrant! it so cold!" Quentin shouted while putting one finger in the shower and the other hand turning the nob of the hot water making it warmer." Hmph..I feel very horrible right now..haha!Whatever...."
He finished fixing his hair and then he got to picking out his clothes,he got a dark blue turtle neck with short    jeans that went above his knee with black stockings and knee-high sneakers.
He went downstairs and greeted his mom. Ate his breakfast and headed out.

When he got to school he met up with his friend group, Jen,16 and who is the only one who is straight and is in a relationship, B(Beck) he's 16 and on the basketball team also and he's gay, Tracy, she's 18 and on cheerleader for the banging tigers(a team in the basketball)
*chatting time*
"Hey Quentin👋!"
Jen shouted as soon as she saw Quentin.
"Aye!my boy!!"B said while walking towards him and wrapping his hand around his waist.
"Hey guys"
Quentin waved to the others.
Just then He walked by.....

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