Chapter 12- Ashes To Ashes

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Carl P.O.V.

I kept pacing around the tent that Phil, Alex, and WIll set up. Wolfy was still inside, recovering, Bee was watching the flaming fires fearfully, and 8D was watching Wolfy. The rest were out scavenging for food. I sighed, and put my face in my hands, replaying that terrible moment an hour ago.

We all were running out of the library, coughing and wheezing from the fumes, dodging falling embers and such. I turned back, seeing to see if everyone was still alive, and then Wolfy turned back, and swiftly grabbed something, just before a flaming log crashed down where she previously was. She then sprinted towards us and stepped on a log that sprang up and impaled her leg. She cried in pain, while 8D called out, reaching for her. He ran into the library, and grabbed her, bringing her out just in time. The library doors toppled shut, fire weakened it. 8D gingerly laid her down on a patch of grass, trying to assess the damage to her leg. It was gruesome, wood impaling flesh, blood streaking down her slightly tanned skin. It'll leave a scar, that's for sure. I do hope she can still walk, though. That was a nasty hit to her lower leg. It'll take months for her muscle and bone tissue to heal, and even longer for her to normally walk...

I shuddered and looked at the tent. Alex and Phil, along with Darrek and 8D, have successfully removed that piece of wood plaguing her for the time being. Alex then wrapped her up, putting healing herbs and whatnot on her leg. 8D tried some healing magic but was only able to make sure her leg doesn't infect. I looked back at Bee, who was trying to put out the fire. Unsuccessfully. I wryly smiled at her efforts and looked up at the sky. Fate... Why did you do this? Was she not tortured enough for her to suffer more? What are you getting from this?

More questions and doubts filled my brain, mostly why's and what's, and what if's. It was all so confusing, it's giving me a headache. I shook my head and continued to work on expanding the tent. We all needed to get some shelter, and this four-person tent cannot hold thirteen, no less two more. Bee could go into symbol mode, but Wolfy... I had to work fast.

They came back three hours before sunset, loaded with carcasses and other necessities. Bee, 8D, and I ran up to them to help them unload, and we cooked over a campfire, far away from the tent. 8D and Bee then helped to store the remaining food for tomorrow. We all needed a break, and the more crudely made tent was ready to give just that. I snuggled into a salvaged blanket, full and content with what we had. It doesn't compare to what we once had, but it's enough for me. So as I drifted away, I thought of green meadows and happy little brooklets bubbling by, and a nice house for all of us to live in. If only life was truly a dream.

Wolfy P.O.V.

Pain... So much pain... And warmth.

I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a cloth ceiling hanging over my head. Speaking of which... Everything seemed so loud, and there was this constant ringing in my ear, that irritated me to all the ends of the earth. It was like all the pain I have felt in the past became unmasked and started to haunt me... Wait. I feel like I'm forgetting something-


I quickly sat up and felt my face. Whew. Still there. I looked around, confused. What even happened... I tossed the covers off of my body and looked down. Oh. Right. I started remembering details of what happened the day before, and I frowned, looking at my hands. I wonder... How are they doing? I decided to go check it out myself. Using my magic, I summoned a chair and used my magic to lift myself out-

I fell out of the chair at the sight, using it to stabilize myself. I slowly stood up, wincing at the pain, and turned to look at the devastating ruins of what had once been my home. Ashes floated all around the black debris, and I gasped. No... This.. This can't be the library! This couldn't be it... It was always full of joy and knowledge... I can't bring myself to the fact that the library was gone. I stumbled painstakingly forward, using my magic to stabilize myself. I kept on walking. Through the dust, through the pain. Through the ashes, I rise again. I keep looking for something to salvage, something to SAVE, but what exactly am I looking for?

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