Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Jay, Flynn and Atlas immediately ran to the doors and locked them. "What's happening?" Stacy asked the teacher.

"Uhm another student came in and he was covered in blood like the other one but he was still awake and he bit the nurse and another student so i tried to kill him but failed so i ran here." the teacher continued talking while the whole class was panicking. "Are the nurse and that student okay?" Ollie asked. The teacher shook her head.

Delilah then came running to the teacher. "My brother he is still outside, i-i need to get to him." Delilah stuttered.

The teacher looked down and Delilah just quickly ran to her phone to call her brother. Yuki and Asia were looking if all the students were in the class, but some were missing. Yuki tried to contact them but no one replied.

When suddenly there was knocking on the doors. It was Delilah's brother. Flynn quickly helped Delilah to open the door for her brother. "Oh god Brayden," Delilah muttered while crying. When Brayden got in the classroom they immediately locked the door.

Brayden was covered in blood. "There are some crazy people around there man," Brayden said while hugging his sister.

Yuki thought of her parents and quickly called them. Her mom immediately picked up. "Mom, there are crazy people here biting eachother!" she yelled at her phone. "I know we saw on the tv! Don't worry sweetie, me and your dad will do anything to save you, we promise." Yuki's mom said, crying. "Please tell dad that i love you both so much," Her phone then died. Yuki completely broke down now.

Her whole class was panicking and calling their loved ones while Yuki was on the ground sobbing. When Dimitri noticed Yuki crying on the ground he quickly came running to her.

He knelt down in front of her. "Yuki, i need you to pull yourself together," he mumbled. Yuki looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I know this is scary but we need to get out of here so stand up," Yuki nodded and stood up.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. "Help!" The student yelled. The whole entire class ran to the door but the teacher stopped them. "Are you bitten?" the teacher asked. "N-no" The student hesitated. The teacher shook her head and whispered. "She's lying, now if you want to survive don't open that door." she said

After a while the banging stopped and they then heard a lot of screams. At first they didn't hear any screams but now there were like 100 of people screaming. "Turn of the lights," the teacher commanded. Jay nodded and turned off all the lights.

The classroom was now pitch black. "What do we do now?" Yuki asked. The teacher replied, "We will stay silent, don't make a single sound." The students huddled together in the dark, hearts pounding with fear. They could hear the sounds of chaos and destruction outside.

Yuki looked around the class, Dimitri was right next to her. He seemed calm while Yuki looked like a mess. Yuki heard someone sniffing at the back of the class. The teacher immediately crawled to the student and comforted them and tried to keep them silent.

After a while it was silent outside of the classroom so the teacher turned the lights on again. "Look around the classroom to see if we have something to protect us," the teacher whispered.

the whole class immediately ran around the classroom, opening drawers, looking in backpacks, etc. Sidney and Robin were looking in their backpacks. Yuki knew that they brought a weapon because they always do. Robin then smirked and showed Sidney and Yuki her knife. "Good day to bring a knife," She said. While Sidney was still looking in her backpack. "I got a lighter!" Sidney yelled in excitement. "Sidney, shut the fuck up," Brayden whispered. "Sorry," she muttered

While Yuki was looking around she found some food and knew it would come in handy so she put it in her backpack. When Dimitri was done packing he ran to Yuki. "You need help?" he asked. Yuki could see Robin and Sidney looking at them and laughing. Yuki nodded. Yuki then paused to think of something. "Does anyone have a charged phone i can use?," She asked her classmates. A lot has charged phones but Yuki took Ollie's phone. "What are you going to do?" Ollie asked. "Call 911," Yuki said, grinning. She thought they had a chance to escape.

She dialed 911 and it took a while for them to pick up. They didn't pick up. Yuki looked at her classmates worried. "Did they pick up?" Ollie asked. Yuki shook her head and gave back Ollie's phone.

"It's okay you tried," Dimitri said, patting Yuki's back.  Yuki ran to the window. "Kiki?" Dimitri ran after her. She openend the curtains and looked outside. She gasped as she saw the zombies and dead students laying on the ground.

"What's wrong Yuki?" The teacher asked as she ran to Yuki. The teacher looked outside too and saw the students. She looked at Yuri and gave her a hug. "We will survive," The teacher muttered. Yuki was still shocked about what she saw and just stood there.

Asia ran to the teacher. "I have an idea," She said. "And that is?" The teacher said, letting Yuri go. "We just need to go to different classrooms and then find things to survive with," Asia said. "And when we got enough stuff and we learned more about those zombies we might be able to get out of this school," The teacher nodded. "We will try to do that tomorrow," the teacher said. "We need to be fast ma'am," Asia added. The teacher sighed, not knowing what to do.

Yuki ran to Robin. "Robin, You have a knife right?" she asked. Robin nodded. "What else do you have?" Yuki asked. Robin smirked and grabbed her backpack. "Well i have more then a knife," She said. "I have food, a pen, an empty notebook what i know you can use for a zombie apocalypse, i have cigarettes, deodorant, pads-" Yuki cut her of, "Okay first of all why do you have so much stuff," Robin shrugged. "For my kids," Robin said laughing and looking at you and Sidney.  Sidney slapped the back off Robins head.

Robin rolled her eyes and put her backpack away. "Did you see how Dimitri looked at you and helped you," Sidney said, laughing. "I wish Atlas looked at me that way," Sidney said, dramatically falling down.

"I heard that," Brayden said, who was right next to Sidney. "Fuck off Brayden," Sidney scolded him. "Okay ginger," Brayden muttered. Sidney stood up and jumped on him. "The ginger attacks guys run!" He yelled, laughing. "Fuck you asshole!" Sidney continued. When Delilah tries to pull them apart. "Give your brother a little beating!" Sidney yelled at Delilah.

"Don't yell!" Robin yelled at them. "Sit down," Sidney and Brayden both obeyed and let go of eachother. Robin gave thumbs up to Delilah, who was smiling at her.

Yuki was looking around the class to see Miles sleeping. Yuki had an idea and quietly went up to him. "Zombie!" Yuki yelled in his ears as he woke up immediately. Yuki almost pissed her pants from laughing. "Not funny," he said in a tired voice. "Go pack your stuff lazy ass" Yuki said before walking off.

Yuki saw Juliette, Asia, Stacy and Jay sitting with eachother. Yuki got a little bit jealous and walked away. Yuki then looked around for Ollie, to see him standing next to Asher. "Hi Ollie," Yuki said, smiling. "Thank you for letting me use your phone," She said. Ollie nodded. "You're welcome," He said, smiling at her. She then looked at Asher to see him already looking at her. "You've got some food?" Asher asked. Yuki nodded and pretended to search her pocket and then stuck out her middle finger.

"I hate you," Asher said, looking away. "Love you too," Yuki said, smiling and walking away. She almost screamed when seeing Dimitri behind her. "What the fuck," She mumbled. "Kiki," he said in a cold tone what made Yuki scared. "As we're gonna die i must as well do this," Dimitri said.Dimitri then got down on one knee. "Marry me," Dimitri said, trying not to laugh. "Omg yes," Yuki said, sarcastically and walked away. Dimitri laughed behind her.

Yuki walked to her backpack and looked around for stuff to bring with her. She found a lot of things that would be useful like scissors and lots of stuff.

everything was going great until they heard zombies heading their way. The teacher ran to the door expecting one zombie, but there were more then 10 zombies heading their way. They needed to find a strategy to get out or they would die.

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