chapter 2: Perfect Addition

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Hazels' POV:


-In the car-

"where are we going, daddy?" i asked.

"It's a surprise honey! You have to wait and see." dad said 

"I dont want to wait, i want to know!" i kept on whinning 

"but then that would ruin the surprise cupcake" my dad replied, with no sign of annoyence.

"We're almost there, don't worry you won't have to wait long" my mom said. The thing is I don't like surprises, i would rather just know before the surprise, than have to wait and be cuirois.

Right as my mom said that a car with a drunk driver crashed into our car causing it to flip 4 times and land on it's roof.

i got a big scrash on my back, another one on my stomach, and one on my arm, i was crying because it hurt so badly and because i was scarred. Usually my parents would be the first to comfort me even when i get the smallest scratch on my knee from falling off my bike, so why weren't they beside me now when I'm hurt really badly.

I lifted my head from my face to see the worst thing in front of me. Both my parents covered in blood and cuts, eyes closed, and their chests weren't moving up and down. 

"daddy! mommy!" no response. "DADDY! MOMMY! WAKE UP! NO PLEASE NO! MOMMY! PLEASE! DADDY" still nothing by then i was bowling my eyes out i was holding both my parents' hands. My head hurt so badly. I still kept shouting for my parents to wake up, but they never answered, not even once. 

My head is so lightheaded, and i couldn't see propaly, everything was getting darker, but right before i blacked out i was pulled out of the damaged car. All the voices were beginning to fade, and everything kept getting darker and darker, until everything was silent and black."

-end of flashback/dream-

My eyes shot open, my brething is heavy and uneven, and my heart is beating 200miles/second. You see, I have this "gift", where I remember every single detail in the dreams that I have.

Most people would be happy that they have a gift like that, but in my case it's like reliving my worst memories.

Right now I'm shaking violently, and trying to calm myself down. I hate asking people to help me, but I think that's what's best in situations like this. I do what i usually do at times like this, and call Kate. The orphanage does not have enough money to buy phones for everone, so instead they bought us walkie-talkies that alow us to talk to our "care-taker", which for me is Kate.

"...Kate! please come!" I said trying to sound cal but failing miserably.

"Hazel! Sweety! I'm coming up, are you ok?" Kate responded, while exusing herself from who knows what. Probaly some stupid game, like spy or family. 

The thing is, I used to love to play all these game, but now they just bring back too many memories. I don't really like the people in the orphanage. Wait.. let me reword that: I don't like people!

I know this makes me sound like a big meanie, but i can't help not liking people, when all they do is bring pain into my life. After three year of being bullyed endlessly, i hate myself now, too. I'm fat, ugly,   worthlless, a waste of space...

I was so lost in my own thoughts, that i didn't realize Kate came into the room, until she pinched my arm

"OWWW... why did you do that/" I asked her.

She just shrugged her sholders and said "I kept calling your name,but noo you kept thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thi-" "okay okay i get" i replied while giggling a bit. Kate never failed to take my mind off of whatever i was thinking.

She also knew that no matter what she did, I wouldn't tell her what happened in my dream, or any thing else. When I said that Kate was the only one that i talked to, i literly ment i just talked to her, i didn't tell her any of my secrets. 

Nobody knows any of my secrets exept my teddy bear. You be thinking that I talk to a stuffed animal. Well you're wrong, i might go crazy sometimes, but I'm not insane.

I have little notes with every single one of my secrets on them and there is a small zipper on the teddy-bears neck so i stuff all of these notes in there. I won't ever write my secrets in a journal, because it's like putting your secrets out there for everyone to see. And if anyone sees whats in that teddy-bear my life will be over.

half an hour later Kate said that she needed to go downstair to check on the other kids.

"Go ahead!" i told her. She was about to leave when i called her again


"Yes sweety?"

"Thank you!"

She looked a bit shocked because i never really thanked her before, but she showed me through 3 years that she won't let me go, so I think I might start to trust her, and ONLY her!

HOW? well, umm I don't want to get adopted so she never tells who ever is here to adopt someone that I'm here so that way, i won't get adopted. I would always stay up in my room, and make no noise, and that works! 

I don't want to get adopted because I'm afraid. I'm afraid that once I build up a family, they will leave me alone, like my parents. I'm afraid that they will hurt me, like the other people around me (other than Kate). I'm afraid that I would change my mind about wanting to see my parents as soon as possible.

Yea I know it's crazy. But it's true. I am willing to risk my ife just to see my parents. I tried once, but Kate caught me and has been keeping a close eye on me since then.

How? Well, thats another story for another time.

Liams' POV:

After around 6 months of begging manegment alowed us to adopt a child. Yup, we wanted to adopt a child.

Well, Louis came up with the idea and convinced us to be apart of adopting a kid. The plan is that he is going to be her dad (we wanted a girl), and that we would be her amazing uncles.

So now, we are standing outside the orphanage, waiting for someone to open the door. Finally a girl in the middle of her 20s opened the door for us.

"Hello! you must be one direction. I'm Kate, and I'll be helping you find the perfect addition to your family!" Kate said with a big smile blasted accros her face!

We greeted her back, then followed her into a room, where all the children were at. We immidialy got seperated and went to meet different kids.

After a couple of hours of getting to meet the kids, we still couldn't find the "perfect addition" as Kate calls it.

We were all pretty sad that we didn't find anyone to fit our family. Yes we called ourselves a family, we were all like a family! We were hedding outthe door when we heard the walkie-talkie that was on Kate go off, then a small, fragile, and broken voice said  " ...Kate! Please come!"

Who's that? i thought we met everyone here...






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