chapter 4: failed plan:(

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Hazel's POV:

I have a plan!

I am going to pretend to be okay with this, I'll tell them that i need to pack so they can go downstairs. I'll pack my belongings quickly (which shouldn't take long), and I'll hide somewhere in the orphanage, untill they are gone. I'll make Kate promise not to tell them that I'm here. 

I'm about to start the plan, I really hope it works, because I am not looing forward to living with 5 strong men. Jeff was one person,but did so much damage, so five strong boys can do so much more. Wish me luck! 


"Okay?"  Aghh i forgot about Kate, she knows that I don't want to leave, so she probaly knows that I'm up to something. 

"Yes. I changed my mind. It's a new start. Now can you go downstairs so i can pack i'll be done in 15 minutes" They fibally left. ha. I can't believe they fell for this. 

I qickly packed my beongings in 5 min. I had 4 shirts, 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of sweatpants, 2 shorts, 4 leggings, 1 smurf onsie (which i adore)! I quickly but my foundation, mascara, and lipgloss in a small case and threw it in my big suitcase that already contained my clothes. Then came my teddy bear (the one with the secrets, he has a zipper on his back were i can put in and take out the notes), and my razors. I don't usually cut only when things get too hard, and Nothing else worked, I put in my jump rope which i spend so much time using. And then there were my art materials. I had a roll of canvas paper, 13 brushes, 2 paint sets, differents pencils, 2 erasers, and a sharpener. You are probaly wondering how I got all these things. Well, the orphanage isn't poor so everyweek we get $5 allowence most people spend it right away on posters and make-up, but i wait long enough to save enough money to buy good quality art-materials. Lastly came a picture of me my mom and my dad on my 9th birthday. 

I started running down the hallway looking for a place to hide, dragging my bag behind me. I should have thought of a place to hide before! sometimes I can be so stupid! Suddenly I came in contact with someone. uh oh.

"where were you going?" It's Harry. My plan has failed. 

"bathroom?" I have to get away from him. He will hurt me. He will abuse me just like Jeff! 

"the bathroom is this way" he said pointing to the other direction.


I ran. I had to get away from him. I couldn't run outside though someone might kidnap me like Jeff did. Not even 10 seconds later a pair of strong arms got a hold of my waist. I started screaming, kicking, pushing, i tried everything, but nothing worked. he seemed unfaised by my actions.

He was trying to calm me down. I am crying so hard right now, I am going to get hurt again, but 10x harder. Why me? I don't want to get adopted. I don't want to replace my parents. I don't want to get hurt. I am too scared.

Harry picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder, ignoring my pleads to put me down, Carried my bag on his shoulder and walked back to where the other boys and Kate were. I have to admit I wasn't just pleading him to put me down, because I don't wanna go. I was asking him to put me down because I am super duper insecure about my body. I am always trying to loose weight, or atleast keep the weight off. I don't know how he was carring me. I'm sure I weight as much as an elephant, why is he acting like I weight nothing?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realized that we reached Kate, and the rest of one direction.

Louis was signing everything, I think he is suppose to be my "fatherly figure". 

Kate: "Just sign here, and she is all yours"

Me:"Nooo! please no. please" 

Louis' POV:

After Hazel told us that she is going to pack so we should go downstairs. Kate looked shocked at her actions. I guess she wasn't joking when she said that Hazel didn't want to get adopted by anyone.  I guess she changed her mind. 

I'm exited about becoming a father, and Hazel is the perfect daughter.

Kate: "Before you sign this, you have to know a couple things about Hazel." 

 Me: "sure!"

Kate: "Two years ago Hazel ran away for 2 months. She came back with bruises and cuts and her clothes were torn. She said it was just because she was out on the streets, but i think something else happened that she won't tell anyone. From that day on she has been afraid of people coming too close to her, or touching her and she does everything she can do to not get adopted. She isn't much of an eater, I'm not sure if she has a problem, or it's just the fact that she just dosn't like to eat, she is very determent to jump rope 3-4 hourse a day and"

Liam cut her of "3-4 hours, that's too much! It's not healthy, especially if she dosn't eat that much"

"Yeah, I know but she refuses t-"

Kate was cut off by Harry coming in carrying Hazel on his shoulder, while she was sobing yelling at him to put her down, and that she dosn't wanna come with us. Now I know why Kate feels as if something happened to Hazel.

I don't care what it takes, I am going to do everything I can to know what happened to Hazel. I'll make sure she feels save and loved. 

"you sign here, and she's all yours"

That all it took to make Hazel start to scream louder and try to get away. 15 min after she finally got rid of al here energy and fell asleep in Harry's arms.

We drove to our flat. I picked her up, and brought her up yo her room. I quickly tucked her in, kissed her forhead and left.

I really hope she dosn't freak out when she wakes up. Fingers crossed.







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