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I was woken up by the alarm clock on my phone. Which was weird because it was the weekend and I didn't have anything planned for today. And it was six in the morning.

I reach over on my nightstand to turn off the alarm. And on the screen of my phone I see a memo from the alarm.

Meet me at the park.-Nash.

Of course this was from Nash. Nash is one of my bestfriends,we've been friends since middle school. And nothing more, until a couple weeks ago.He asked me out and I said yes.

I dismissed the alarm and turned over to continue sleeping. My phone buzzed against the wood of my night stand. I looked at it and it was a text from, Nash.

Nash- Are you up? Meet me at the park.

Me-No. Why?

Nash-Please, I got to show you something.

Me-Can't it wait til later?

Nash-No,please come it's important.

Me-Fine, I'll be there in about 15 minutes.

Nash,Okay. See ya when ya get here :-) ;-)

I rolled out of bed and stumbled over to my closet. And pulled out a blue Love Pink hoodie, light washed jeans, my white converses,and a hot pink headband along with my phone.

I quietly snuck down stairs and out the front door. I didn't have a car so I rode my skateboard to the park. I pulled out my phone and texted Nash.

Me-I'm like a block away.

Nash- Okay,I'll be at the swings.

I rode up onto the sidewalk and hopped off my skateboard. And walked over to the swing sets with my skateboard in hand. But for some odd reason,I couldn't find him.

" Nash! " I whiper-yelled,while laying my skateboard down next to the swings. " Nash! Where the hell are you? "

" Behind you!" I hear as two hands are placed on my shoulders from behind me. And a voice yelling in my ear,making me jump,and almost scream.

Nash id laughing so hard his face is red and he's clutching his stomach.

" Damn it,Nash it's not funny. You almost made me piss my pants." I say smacking him on his stomach. Which sadly only made him laugh harder.

" (y/n),you should've seen your face." And he mimics my facial expression.

" Shut up! It is not that funny." I cross my arms and walk over to the swings to take a seat. But me acting like a child with my attitude, I miss the swing and plop right on the ground.

" Owwww! " I say holding my butt and laying on my back. At this point Nash is on the ground right next to me laughing. Clutching his stomach, face red, barely breathing. Actually, I don't think he was breathing at all.

" Nash, shut up and help me please." I say still laying on the ground and holding one hand up in the air.

" Okay." He finally calmed down from the laughter. He helped me up and we were only centimeters a part. So close that I could smell his mint scented breathe breathe.

I can't handle this type of tension." Okay,let go weirdo." I say jokingly and mean it. And I actually sit on the swing this time.

" What is it you wanted to show me soo badly? "

" Oh..right. I wanted you to watch the sunrise with me." I give him a blank look.

" Really? "

Yes. I didn't want to watch it alone." He says pulling out his phone.

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