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I'm halfway down the walk way when I hear someone call after me.

" Aryia?!" Where are you going?"  I don't have to look back to know that it's Cameron.

" Home." I place my board on the ground.

" Why?" Is he serious?

I turn around to look him I'm the face, just as he approaches me." What do you mean why? "

" I mean why are you going home? "

" Do you want the truth?" He nods his head yes." I'm leaving to get away from you." I'm not sure if I imagined this, but a hurt expression Crosses his face.

" Was it because of what I said?" I don't say anything, just put my bag on my shoulder.

" It's okay of you're mad at me."

" I glare at him." Yeah? Of course I'm mad at you. You're making me choose between you and my boyfriend."

" Well yeah, clearly you still have feelings for me.....and Nash. But you're not going to admit the feelings you have for me to yourself."

" No, because I only have feelings for Nash."

" Then what was that in the bathroom ten minutes ago? Not to mention the lake house?"
The lake house?"What happened at the lake house?"

" Carla's bedroom?" He hints. I give him a confused look." You didn't think that was Nash, did you?"

I'm at a loss for words. No way in fucking hell was that him.

" That wasn't you." My ears are starting to get warm which, greatly, means I'm about to cry.

" But it was,Rya."

" Stop fucking calling me that. We're not together anymore. You don't get to call me that you're not the victim here. I am. So just fucking stop."

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything, you won't let me. And I think it's fair to say that we're all a victim here. You, me, Nash. Come on."

What is his problem? Does he think this is a game or something?

" How are you a victim?" I cross my arms.

" I'm sitting here with my best friend and his girlfriend. My ex-girlfriend. And I act like I'm not hurting by any of it, when in reality, I'm dying on the inside. And I'm wishing she was still mine."

" Then why did you brake up with me? "

" I was afraid I wasn't good enough for you."

" What changed your mind? "

" I don't even know. Love? "

" What do you want from me? "

" I just want you."

" No. I'm with Nash now. We broke up, remember? "

" Yeah, but I know you like being with me more. You only went out with him just to spite me." Another point for Cam.

" So? Even if I wanted to get back together with you,I couldn't hurt him."

" Just brake up with him."

" It's not that easy...for me."

" Did you think it was easy for me to brake up with you? "

" Well the way you did it made it seem like a piece of cake. Cameron you hurt me so badly and I hated you for that. And a part of me still does and the other....." I couldn't confess this to him, not now at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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