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Okay, what just happened? One minute Nash is almost having sex with me, the next he just leaves. I don't know if it's just me or is Nash acting weird.

I grab my clothes and towel, them walk out the room. I run down the stairs, into the kitchen, then out the back door. I immediately spot Nash and Cam standing on the dock.

I ran down to them,I crash into Nash, nearly causing him to fall in the water.

"Hey." I kiss him on the cheek. And place my clothes on a dry rock, using my towel to cover my clothes so they don't get wet.

Cameron ran and jumped in the water, surfacing quickly.

"The water is freezing." He says while his teeth are chattering.

" Then I'm not getting in." I say sitting down and crossing my arms.

" Oh, yes you are." Nash says, walking over to me, almost intimidatingly . He wraps one of his arms around my back, and the other around my legs. And picks me up, bridal style, running towards the water.

" NASH! PUT ME DOWN! NASH!" He doesn't stop running, so I take a really deep breathe since I have an idea of what's going to happen next. He plunges into the water with me still in his arms.

My arms wrap around his neck while his hands find my waist. He pulls me close to him, still submerged underwater, and kisses me. This kiss isn't as passionate add the one in the room. And his lips feel a little different, but I think it's just the water.

We surface the water, both still holding on to each other. I look around for Cameron, but I can't find him.

"Um, where's Cameron?" I continue looking.

" I'm not sure. CAM!? CAM!" He still doesn't appear.

" Maybe he went back inside." I suggest.

"Yeah, maybe." Nash picks me up out of the water, then dunks me back in the water.

" NASH!!" I yell.

" Are you ready to go?" He asks once I'm above the water. I nod my head yes.

We make or way back to the dock. I climb onto the dock and walk over to my clothes, grabbed my towel and dried off a little.

" Come on." Nash picked up my clothes, then grabbed my hand, and we started back towards the house. Hands intertwined.

" I think I'm gonna sit out here for a minute." I say as I stop walking.

"Okay.. Do you want me to sit out here with you?"

"No, I'm okay."

" Well, be inside of you need anything." I nod my head in an okay. Nash walks inside,I walk over to the banister, and gaze up at the moon. I inhale deeply, taking in the clear air, because it maybe all I get for awhile.

I glance up at the moon one last time, before turning around, and walking inside. Lucky for me, Nash and Cameron aren't hard to spot this time. I walk over to them.

" Cam, where'd you go? You like disappeared."

" Oh,I went to go change." Is all he says.

" Ready to leave? Nash holds up his keys.

" Yeah." Cam and I say in unison.

We push our way through the crowd of people and exit through the front door. And head towards Nash's car.

" Aryia, do you want to sit up front? " Cam ask me as we approach the car. "It doesn't matter to me."

" You can sit up front."

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