Chapter 1

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I was talking with a few of my classmates about the project. It was SOOO hard and everyone hated it! That's when a few people popped up: my bullies. "Oi, nerd. Mind helping us with our work?," said Jaco. He was the leader of the group. "Hard pass! And don't even think about threatening me. Last time that happened, it backfired," I said. Knowing them, they won't give up. "You better do it or I'm gonna–" *RING!!!!!!* The bell rang. "You were saying?" He scoffed as we headed to our next course.

Our next course was Entrepreneurship. It's okay but it's mostly about business. I took notes about the topic. You never know when you're gonna need it. After that was Science. We learned about mutations, human anatomy, disabilities and illnesses. Science was my absolute FAVORITE course. Well... Besides art. The courses were alright but I've always wanted a course that REALLY challenges me. This kind of stuff feels too easy. Speaking of courses, I'm graduating this year. I just need to wait for about a couple of weeks.

Few hours later...

Once the courses were over, I headed back home to see what I need once I finish my work. I only have a few reports to finish and start on my project. But I can worry about that later. I looked in the kitchen to see what I need. Let's see... I need... Lettuce, tomatoes, apples, a few peaches...  OOH! And beef. I wrote everything I needed here. Now I need to check the bathroom.

Few minutes later...

I managed to write down everything I need. I got ready, grabbed my keys, amd left. If I forget something, it'll probably pop in my head. The store is only a few blocks away. So I can easily walk there. Speaking of which, I'm gonna take a peek at the play place. I miss that place SOOOOOOOOOO much. I'll have to put the groceries up first before I look. I wouldn't want anyone stealing it. It shouldn't be much anyways.

Couple hours later...

Finally!!!!! Those were too much to carry, but it was worth it. Now time to take a peek at the play place. Fortunately, it's behind these woods near Oddworld. That place I hated SOOOOOOOOOO much ever since they took over. Rainbow Friends Play Place was amazing, but then THEY had to ruin it. The owner was upset afterwards which made me feel bad for him. He seemed to like me than the other customers since I enjoyed it the most. I even drew a picture of us and hung it up in his office.

Once I reached the building, I slowly remembered all the fun times I had here. I danced with the rainbow friends, played in each room, drew pictures of them... OOH! I think I might've stayed overnight by accident! Ah, those were the days! I wonder why it shut down. Surely it wasn't because of him, right? But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.


??? POV:

Well well well. Another victim. The more people, the more chances this HORRIBLE & PUTRID of a building is destroyed. Time to shut down this business...


"Welp! Time to get going," said Y/N. Oh no you don't. I jumped off the building and quickly knocked her out. Time to get YOU inside. No one has ever left. Neither will you.

End of Chapter 1

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