Chapter 7

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up by the smell of oatmeal. (I personally don't like oatmeal. But if you like it, no judgements here!) It seems like Red was already awake and Teal was next to me. "Ah, good morning my little scientist!" Red had greeted me. I got up and ate breakfast.

I needed to shower quickly, so I asked Red if they have a shower. He told me yes and which direction to go. I thanked him and left. It was left, right, right, left, and straight. I entered into what seemed like a room full of showers and sinks.

Someone was singing. I softly entered until I accidentally walked into a wall without looking. "Huh? Who's there? Come on, guys. How many times do I have to say this? Don't interrupt my shower time!!" The person had pulled the curtain as they left. It was Green.

"Oh. It's you," he said. He just finished his morning shower. "I hope I didn't interrupt yours." "You're fine. I just entered," I replied. He walked out as I entered my shower. I quickly washed my hair, brush my hair, and teeth. I walked back to the lab and worked with Red.

??? POV:

Hmm. It seems like this... Child of Red is quite fascinating. They seem to know more about business than Red. Perhaps I could use this as my advantage. They could replace that disgrace and build a successful company.

But what are they doing? What's with the old clothes? Hmm. I should stop then but I must think about how to steal them. They are PERFECT!!!

Blue's POV:

My best friend, Green, told us that Red and their kid had figured out how to find a cure! It was music to me. For years I have helped Red in finding one but all have failed. Nothing couldn't reverse the curse on us all. But this... Was amazing!

We head over to Red's lab and heard some talking. "EUREKA!!! WE'VE FINALLY FOUND THE CURE!!" We heard running down the lab. Then a sound like someone is being strapped. And finally a laser shooting. There were screams that filled the room. We rushed in there as the process finished.

"Hello. Is anyone there?" I asked. "No worries Blue. Everything's fine," said Red. He stepped out for us to see him.  But he wasn't a Rainbow Friend. He was back to normal!!! I couldn't believe it!!! They've finally found a cure.

Y/N had used it on everyone as we changed back to normal. We cheered for them, but realized something that wasn't thought about...

The Play Place.

It was our home. Our only protection from any danger. We didn't know what to do with this place. Red said he might sell it. But  Y/N yelled in disagreement. "There's NO WAY you could sell this!!! This was my childhood! My only safe place!! Is there another way?" Red thought about it, and sighed, "Perhaps we could add new stuff to it. But I don't have the money to buy anything."

Y/N smiled. She pulled out hundreds of thousands of dollars from her bag. "Did you really think I'd come back empty handed?" She also had some treats that she shared. Orange was happy that she was sharing the good snacks like old times. "Well then. What are we waiting for? Let's get building!" Said Grey. "Yes!! Anything to stop Odd World from getting more popular!" Said Y/N.

End of Chapter 7

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