Heaven's Way in Humankind

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Many find peace and guidance through what they believe. They are able to find meaning in life and their purpose to be in this world.

Their beliefs may get in to them in ways of influencing their behavior and what they feel towards things. This may also fall on their mental health because what we believe relatively affects what we feel and the emotions that we sometimes unconsciously felt and let out.

What we believe give s us inner strength to endure harder and find hope with little things that we encounter in life. Our religion and beliefs greatly affects how we grow up and develop as a person because it influences how we think of ourselves in this life.

Growing up knowing that we weren't alone in this world gives us a sense of security and strength to keep on going no matter how hard life gets.

As a child, having a religion and a reason to believe in the Lord have always helped me. When I'm sick, it kept me stronger knowing that one day, God will just come to me and heal me with one touch. Being young takes me in a world full of magic.

When someone I loved died, everything felt bitter as how it tasted like when someone forced you to eat bitter gourd in freshly-sliced cuts but when I believed that person I lost was happy in heaven with God, I was provided a sense of peace like a child happily dancing above in the clouds.

When I was feeling down, the Lord has given me more reason as to why should I be happy, and I am, the reasons to be happy that he gave me felt like I was dumped into a fountain of chocolate. Everything was in full bliss, a taste of pure happiness and sweets.

When I'm scared to death when going late at night to use the bathroom, I believed that someone strong and almighty is there to save me anytime from danger and I was given a sense of protection and security. I felt so strong and brave.

My belief have also taught me that some misfortunes are caused by my sins, may it be a small mistake or bigger one.

It gave me a sense of responsibility; like a superhero who is ready to make things right and being a little more careful to not repeat the same mistakes again. To be able fully develop the best version of myself.

Because of my religion and my humongous love to the Lord, I have loved everyone more than I have loved myself and it gave me a sense of fulfillment knowing that I treated everyone good and I made them feel loved and happy, it also made me happy and I believe it is His grace which made it happen; It is what He wanted.

As long as we believe, everything is possible.

As long as we believe way deeper than the things that we should be worrying about, we are more brave to face anything and that's what will keep us going in this life's journey.

Growl to everything that comes our way, let's be strong come what may. 


Writer's note:
This is the child in me, speaking, trying to get the attention of the Lord whom I once trusted with my young life with.

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