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"Before you judge someone, walk a mile in his shoes."


"You're really very beautiful when you smile," Jimin said as he leaned toward me.

"Thanks," I said. My cheeks heated.

"It was merely my observation," he said with a wink. He settled back into his relaxed pose.

Yeah, I wasn't buying that for a second. The guys here were way too smooth.

Suddenly the chair next to me scraped against the floor. Taehyung stepped into the empty space and leaned in close to my ear, touching my shoulder in a way that made sure to lay claim. "I need to talk to you."

I froze, unable to look at him. My pulse sped up at the sound of his cold voice, his breath hot on my neck.

I was seriously messed up where he was concerned. He ignored me ever since he bit me and here I was, drooling at the chance to get close to him. This had to stop. My body, heart, and hormones might want to do whatever he wanted, but my head was in charge of the lot.

I turned away from him. "No. You can't just come over here and—"

He gently circled my arm with his fingers but his eyes said it all.

Jealousy. Rage. Pain. Longing- It swamped me. My stomach burned with it. My heart raced and I had an urge to rip something apart.

The intensity of his feelings made it hard for me to breathe. Was he really that mad? 

He squatted down next to me. "Now. Outside." His words weren't a demand, but a plea.

I tried to jerk my arm away, but he slid his hand down to twine his fingers with mine. Taehyung's hair stuck out all over the place and his shoulders hunched down. He mouthed the word "please."

I glanced around the table. Jungkook, Yuna and Jisoo's mouths hung open, but Jimin sat forward, every muscle tense. His eyes were bright blue as he stared at Taehyung.

I shook my head. I didn't need Jimin to protect me. Taehyung had already done his worst by turning me into a werewolf.

I was probably going to regret this word. "No."

Ignoring of my refusal, Taehyung picked me up over his shoulder like some caveman and started walking out. I screamed and writhed as I felt blood rushing to my face but it had no effect on him. He kept walking until he hit the tree line between the dorm and the classroom building. His grey shirt wasn't tight, but he couldn't have hidden his muscles if he tried. But this time instead of being blindsided by his attractiveness I tried to focus on my anger.  He gently placed me on the ground and turned away from me in an effort to control his aggression.

Don't shout, don't shout. Use your head, Y/N. Talk calmly. "Are you going to keep glaring ahead, or do you want to talk?"

He spun, eyes glowing red and glowered. "Stay away from Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook!"

I had a second to be freaked out by the eye change, before I got seriously pissed off. "You've got some nerve. You're the one with the fucking girlfriend."

"What? I don't have a girlfriend. Just please. Y/N. Just stay away from the guys." seriously now?!

"What do you call Yerin?"

"A friend. A very old, very loyal friend."

"Well guess what. Jimin is a friend, Jungkook too. A very new, very fun friend." My blood boiled. "News flash: I haven't done anything wrong. You have no right to drag me out here and yell at me. Hello? You bit me. Now, I'm here and struggling to keep my head above water. So you need to get your shit together."

COGNITION OF SOUL| Taehyung| KTH FFWhere stories live. Discover now