This boy saved you...

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Thanx for reading! Who saved Sam? This chapter is dedicated to @xDirectionerFanfics! She is one of my best friends!! Hi sky!!


~Sams POV~

I woke up in a hospital. I felt dizzy. I looked around and a nurse came into my view.

"Why hello sweetie! This boy performed CPR and saved your life." She said.

Who again? What boy?! Oh dear god who is this boy?

I look over and..omg it's that skater boy...

"Hi." He said shyly.

"Uh did you do mouth to mouth?" I asked.

"No." He said.

"Uh...why did you save me?" I asked.

He has given my life living hell. He bullied me he was a jerk! Why would he save me though??

" that." He stumbled.

"Just why,I mean you had been a huge jerk to me and now you save me?" I asked raising my voice.

"Look I will tell you once you get out of this place." He said sternly.

"Oh." That's all that came out of my mouth.

He toke my hand.

"I will see you on your way home and I swear,you better watch your back." He said.

He soon left and I was alone.

Thoughts were going through my mind.

Why did he save me?

Why did he tell me to watch my back?

The main question:why did he save me?

~Zayn's POV~

Look you are probably wondering why I saved her ass. I thought she was special,innocent. Yes, innocent girls turn me on. I can do anything to them but they are too weak to fight back.

I left the hospital. I got on my skateboard and went to my flat. I put my skateboard away and my phone went off.

I looked on my screen to see the name LIAM on it.

I answered.

"Hello?" I said into the device.

"Hey Zayn, do you wanna come ride skateboards? I found this house we can totally toilet-paper roll it!" He said.

"Oh sweet!" I said.

"Cool ill see you in 5." Liam said.

He hung up.

I grabbed my skateboard and left.

Liam and I always got in trouble.

We were the bad boys.

Liam even knows about that girl that walks home everyday.

~Sam's POV~

I had fallen asleep. I woke up.

"You can go home now." Said the nurse warmly.

"Oh. Thank you." I said.

I walked out of the hospital and went home.

While I was walking I heard a fimilar chuckle.

"So we meet again." He laughed.

I turned around.

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