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  Bellé Pov:

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Bellé Pov:

Not long ago me and my twin, Percy Anderson, moved with my aunt Muriel Stacy in Price Edward Ilands in a small town named Avonlea.
We were wealthy.. Were.. Our aunt got sick yesterday. We don't have money to buy medicine.

"Are you sure Bellé?.." Percy looked at me while handing me the trousers and a belt.
"It's our only option.. I don't whant to do it either.." I steped in the bathroom chainging my clothes to some black trousers and a black button up shirt that Percy borrowed me. I tied my hair up in a bun and hid my face with a kerchief so that only my eyes were visibile. When I steped out I saw my brother strugling to tie the kerchief.
"Let me help you." After helping him I sliped my boots on and so did he.

The cold night ind made my eyes water when I steped out.
"I'm sorry auntie.." I whisperd to myself from under th kerchief then got quckly on my horse with my brother behind me.

The Andrews house was towering in front of us when we arrived.
My brother snuck inside with the help of one f my bobbypins. We took everything we cpuld get ours hands on, silver cutlery, vases, a coat and some old paintings and books.
I steped on the first stair when I felt a hand curling around my wrist. I looked behind me to see my brother shaking his head. I simply noded and we snuck back out.
We quickly got back home and hid everything in my closet.

I changed in my night gown and I climbed under the covers. I felt the guilt surround me and a tear fell down my cheeck.
"I'm so sorry auntie.." I wisperd and cryied myself to sleep

The next day we were abile to go to Charlottetown and sell the goods then buy the meds for anutie. She didn't go to schoool that day.

"Bellé whould you be a sweetie and go get some groceries from town?" She said after taking the pills.
"Whatever you need!" I grabed a pice of paper and stred noting down what I needed to buy.

"Thank you Bellé!" She shouted. We still had some more money from the robbery last night so I took a bit of those. I grabed the money I needed and walked toards the town center.

"Did you hear that the Andrews got robbed?" She heard that sentence at least ten times on her way. She brought some apples and sugar then saw mrs Andrwes and mrs Andrews along with Prissy, Jane and Billy. They were talking to the mayor.

"How can you let something like this happend!?" Mrs. Andrews was about to cry.
"I won't we will find whoever did this and they'll pay!" The mayor assured them.
I didn't stick around to see what happends next, the guilt stared to show it's self again.

Jane Pov:

I saw a girl with brown curls turn the other way. I saw her face fro a split second but the only thing I could make out were her green eyes and frecked nose. Then she turned away and ran off.
"Who was she?" Prissy was looking in the same direction as me.
"I have no ideea.. I haven't seen her at school but I think I saw her in town a few times." I replied turning away.

Bellé Pov:

When I got home I found auntie smiling happily while cooking.
"Felling better?" I asked placing the basket with groceries on the table.
"Very much thank you!" She noded.
I hummed in response sitting at the table next to my brother.
"You two have been awfuly quiet." She started placing the food in our plates. "I really hope you make some friends at school.." she sighed.
"School?! Are we going to school?!" We asked in usion almost chocking on my food.
"Yes! Isn't it wonderfull?" Aunt Stacy sat down in front of us with a big smile.

"I really do hope the money will last us at least a month this time.." Percy said pinching the bridge of his nose with a disspointed expresion. We were once again disguised and were gaung toards the Pye's house.
There was a window left half open. It took about three minutes for my brother to open it.
We climbed inside and quckly got our hands on some silver spoons, small paintings, a pair of elegant boots and some leather oxfords.
This time we went upstairs only to realise that the adults weren't home. We qucly took jewelry, a watch, pearls, earings, everything!
I felt so bad that I got sick to my stomach.
I slowly creept in Josie's room only to find her fast asleep. I only got the chance to take some pearls when the floor he squeaked under my boots. Josie opend her eyes slowly. I only got a few seconds to think. Percy was outside and her window seemd to be a lot more easyer to open. I stood on on the window frame, the moonlight falling on my back and entering the room. Josie looked mortified at me. She screamed amd I jumped out the window. When I taught my days ended my brother catched me in his arms.
"That was very stupid of you!" He said runing away.
"It was my only option.." I followed him and returned home.

Like the first time I got in my nightgown and sliped under the warmth of my covers.
I fell asleep knowing that I'm a criminal and I betrayed aunt Stacy. I felt horibile and night after night I had nightmares abot auntie finding out it was us who robbed the town.

W.c: 971
This story was writen on the 6th may 2023

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