How are you even alive right now?!

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"Shut up Dean." Sam grumbled, glaring over at Dean, who was talking quietly, seemingly to himself. Now that wouldn't be so bad if Dean hadn't been talking in the middle of the night.

"Why?" Dean's arguing skills seemed to fall to the arguing skills of a nine year old.

"Because you're annoying."

Dean nodded, then continued his mumbling.

"God dammit Dean! Shut up! I'm trying to sleep."

Dean looked over, and Sam noticed he was smirking. Sam realized he was talking just to spite him. Sam groaned, grabbed a pillow and held it over his head. Dean soon lay back and fell asleep.

That sleep for both of them didn't last long. Soon, someone joyously called out to them. "Wake up, Sleepyheads!"

Dean groaned, and threw a pillow in the direction of the offending noise. "Whoever you are shut up"

Sam sat up, and looked over. Gabriel stood there, in all glory, holding two bags of tacos.

"Gabriel?!" That drew Dean's attention, and Dean sat up. "How are you alive?! Are those tacos?"

"Dean, focus!" Sam looked over. "You died. We have that.. video to prove it!"

"Yeah I died, then I woke up in a mall. The security thought I was drunk and I had to get out of there. So I found a way to you two, brought tacos. Also, I waited until you both got at least three hours of sleep before waking you. I saw what you did to your brother, Dean. Not cool."

Sam smirked slightly, and looked over at Dean, who got up, and took one of the bags. "Well tough. I did it anyways." He took a few of the tacos, then looked suspisiously at Gabe. "These arent going to kill me like the time Sam said happened, are they?"

"No, no, don't worry. they're safe as can be." Gabe grinned over at him, then watched him take a few tacos. Sam stood, and leaned on the wall. "Who do you think brought you back... and why?"

"God. And to continue my reign of terror upon you two boys." Gab grinned. "And Dean, I'm tired of your shit." He walked over, and placed to fingers on Dean's forehead. "This is my wonderfully designed punishment for you!"

Dean stared at him for a moment, then coughed, doubling over, as Gabe walked away. His hair got longer, almost down to the small of his back, he seemed to get a tab shorter as well. His chest started growing, and Sam figured out what was going on, and he could probably guess some of the unseen transformations going on as well.

Gabe had come back from the dead, brought them tacos, and turned Dean female.

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