Chapter 11

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Back home mom kept teasing me about harry while dad kept sighing everytime.

I kept exchanging letters with my friends. Neville letting me know he will be at the quidditch tournament with his uncle but that he didn't get top box. Luna informed me she would be traveling with her dad and wouldn't make it.

Xenophilius also wrote me a letter apologizing for canceling our summer plans for the apprenticeship saying he would be busy traveling with Luna towards the Amazon as he had finally found leads about one of the magical creatures he has been looking for.

Hermione wrote a letter two days into our break asking if I had finished our summer assignment which I had.

I don't like stressing myself much and if I delayed my assignments I would keep thinking about when to do it. So the sooner the better.

We exchanged a few more letters recommending shows to watch during our break or books to read.

Harry and I wrote to each other basically every day sometimes he would send letters using Sirius owl Venus but he mostly used Hedwig. It was mostly cringe worthy letters saying we missed each other but we would bitch about the assignments we had to do too in between saying how Snape was insane to assign so many topics to write on.

He would write about how it sucked at the Dursleys but how his thankful they are leaving him alone. Sirius visits him every day apparently taking him out to have fun saying and I quote, " just cause you have to stay there with those muggles doesn't mean you have to be stuck with them all day".

Sirius has been giving him tours of London. Showing him places he has never been too before. Places harry said," i would like to take you to one day".

Ron and I didn't speak much since we didn't have a lot in common but one day he sent a letter saying not to hog Hedwig and that he wanted to talk to his best mate too. What followed was a lengthy argument about how and who was Harry's priority before we finally included harry who remains silent on the topic till now.

. . .

Days passed and only two days left before I can finally see harry again.

Or so I thought if it wasn't for the black dog that tackled me down the moment I opened the front door.

" Sirius!", I yelled trying to get him off  me.

" Off off  bad dog ", I heard Remus say playfully as he pulled sirius off me.

Sirius turned back to his human form before pulling me up and into a hug," I know you missed me, no need to hide it", he said ruffling my hair.

I pushed him away huffing before moving towards Remus, " what are you guys doing here?", I asked.

Ones I realized how that might have come out I quickly added," not that I'm not glad to see you I'm just surprised", I said.

Remus pats my shoulders, " calm down I get it, it was Sirius idea actually ", he said pointing towards Sirius who was watching my baby pictures.

He looked back at us at the mention of his name nodding," we decided to pick you up early... you know give you more time with prongslet before he gets hogged by his friends ", he said.

" Besides it's like an early birthday gift for harry", added Remus.

I nodded before looking towards my mom who heard everything. I gave her a look asking if that was ok she gave me a smile nodding, " go pack your bags ", she said.

I smiled giving her a hug before running up stairs, " do you know how long your staying?", mom asked me bringing me to a halt.

I looked at Sirius who looked at Remus who looked at mom, " we will bring her back the day after Harry's birthday, that way she can spend the rest of the summer here before we pick her up for the match", he said making me nod and continue my journey to my room.

I ransacked my room trying to choose outfits I would feel comfortable wearing while I stayed there and one dress for Harry's birthday. I packed all my essentials and any random thing I might need before heading back down stairs.

I gave mom a big hug before side apparating with Remus.

We appeared Infront of a mansion. It was huge yet classy and everything screamed money. I was pretty sure this wasn't grimmauld place considering everything.

" Welcome to black manor", said Sirius before turning into a dog and running inside.

Remus and I followed at a slower pace. Me enjoying the scenery while Remus was just plain tired.

Inside was more lavish and everything was gorgeous if a bit extreme. Like why is there a vase made of gold at the entrance?

I heard quick footsteps from behind and before I could register what was happening I was pulled into hug.

I smiled as he pulled me closer missing the warmth he gave off, " I'm so glad your here Sirius was driving me crazy", said harry pulling away abit.

" Hey I heard that!", said Sirius from the next room.

I laughed abit looking up at harry who's eyes were glued to my lips and before I could say anything his lips were on mine.

"I missed this", i thought as I kissed him back.

We pulled away staring at each other goofy smiles on our faces," hi", said harry. Making me laugh.

" Hi", I said. Laying my head on his shoulders as he pulled me into a hug.

We could have staid like that for hours too if  Dobby hadn't appeared to inform us lunch was ready.

We walked into the dining room and sat besides each other it was just Remus, Sirius and us. Which made the house feel more empty.

" So what's with the big house ?", I asked as we placed food on our plate.

" It's temporary ", said harry taking a bite.

" I'm currently looking for an apartment but I still haven't found one that attracted my attention so we are staying here for the time being", said Sirius.

I nodded taking a bite of the Mac and cheese. " This is great ", I complemented before taking another bite.

" Slow down or you might choke", said harry making me blush abit.

We did small talk during the meal before Sirius led me to my room. It was besides Harry's. While Remus and Sirius staid down the hall. Remmy on the right Sirius on the left.

Sirius left while I unpacked, I liked my room since it had a bathroom connected to it and everything it was like staying in a fancy hotel.

I walked into the bathroom for a quick shower but changes my mind when I saw the bath.

I smiled, "yup my stay here will be fun", I thought.

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