Chapter 5

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This story is based in England.

Year 10; Year 10 are 14-15 year old's. (Year 11 are 15-16 year old's)

Underlined text means sign language


May, 20**

George Not-Found- Year 10

George glanced at Clay, taking in his side profile as he turns his head back to face the various flavours and brands of alcohol. 

All that was heard except from the silence was the chatter and the bowling in the background.

"Hey, your George. Right?" Clay asked George as he looks at Clay. They both make eye contact

"Yeah" George says as he looks anywhere and everywhere that wasn't Clays eyes.

"From English right?" Clay questions.

"No..." George says as he shakes his head

"Where have I seen you before?" Clay asks as George clears this throat

"History" George mutters as Clay thinks for a second.

"OH! weird kid George. Now I recognized you" Clay said, sounding proud as George moves away a bit and taps the table, uncomfortable with the convocation.

"Here's the drink kid. Thanks for waiting" The waiter said as George nods and grabs the drink quickly as he walks away

"Bye George" Clay yells as George ignores him and goes to his friends

"What took so long? Sam took your turn" Ponk says as Callahan scoffs down his cheese sandwiches

"Clay was there" George says as he places his drink down and sits next to Callahan

"Football Clay?" Sam asks as he finished taking his bowling turn

"Yep" George says

"Oh god, he's probably here with the football guys" Ponk says as everyone gets uncomfortable

"How about we finish bowling and do 10 minutes if arcade?" Callahan signs as everyone agrees and finishes their bowling turns

Callahan won, with Sam only 1 point away from winning. 

When they were making their way to the arcade, they passed the football team(which took 2 lanes up). As they did, George looked over and saw it was Clays turn on bowling. They both made eye contact as he was picking up the ball and he smirks. He walks to the bowling lane and takes his shot... He gets a strike and his side of the team cheers for him. Both George and Clay look at each other again and Clay winks at him. Causing George to blush and walk away, trying to catch up with his friends who are already at the arcade.

 "Guys look! Mario kart, lets play it so I can beat you guys" Callahan signs as everyone agrees and takes their seats as they put in their pounds and choose their characters. 

"Your all going down" George laughs as they start the game. 

"Okay well that's a scam. George always wins" Sam groans as George laughs

"It's cuz I'm too good" George says as Callahan nudges Georges arm 

"Wanna go on the claw machines?" Callahan signs as George looks at him confused. Then Callahan points at Sam and Ponk walking at the 2p and 5p machines.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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