It was all my fault (isaacwhy x readers angst)

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Tws-breakup, angst, mentions of depression and sadness, EXTREMELY CRINGEY
A/N-sorry for being IA, finals are kicking me in the ass LMAOOO

Isaac got off his flight, excited to see his s/o that hes been away from for almost 2 weeks, he thought hed surprise you, you thought that he was going to be home tomorrow, when in reality he was going 1 day early, he wanted-needed- you. He reluctantly got his bags from bagage claim and drove to your house, not even bothering to stop at his house to unpack, he could wait on that, he couldnt wait on you though.

Isaac walked up to your house confused at the random car that sat in the dark driveway, nervous he walked in carefully, taking in his surroundings more then usual to make sure you were ok and to make sure someone wasnt robbing you or something along those lines.

Nothing seemed off the house was quiet, which only set his nerves off more. After scanning the whole house he approached your bedrooms closed door, he twisted the doornob almost silently.

Isaac walked into the room and he immediately felt the whole world stop, everything froze, his breathing,his movements, his brain, the world seemed to freeze in place as he stare at the sceen that lay infront of him. he felt his heart drop into his gut as he heard your panicked voice.

You ran up to isaac tears in your eyes, as you said something he didnt-couldnt- comprehend, you held your hand to your chest holding up the blanket hiding the body that he cherished every second of, the body hed plant soft kisses on as he made you feel amazing, the body hed pleasure over his, the body that just broke his heart into millions of pieces.

“Isaac please let me explain-” you pleaded being cut off “Theres not alot to be explained” was all he managed to let out. Both of your minds fuzzy with depression

He fear to look up at the person that lay in your bed just as horrified as he was. What if that person was way more attractive than he was, what did that person have that he didnt. He didnt dare to know.

The guy who was now fully dressed left quickly not even putting on his shoes and he left the house.

As you looked up at Isaac your heart broke again, he had tears in his eyes, you knew he was head over heels for you, you knew that he was a family guy and he wanted nothing more than to start one with you, and you wanted that too, then why did you cheat on him for some random guy you pulled at the bar the same night, you didnt know. Were you a horrible person, did he hate you forever, you loved him you knew you loved him.

“I have to go” Isaac choked out before turning towards the door “Wait please Isaac” you managed you grabbed his bicep with your significantly smaller hands as if you could actually stop him from leaving

But it worked,he stopped in his place, turning his head looking at you, you could see the pain in his eyes. It broke you more.

“Please let me talk to you, I love you” you said just above a whisper, suddenly his eyes harden looking at you, you didnt notice through the tears that blur your vision.

"Bullshit." He said flatly pulling himself out of your grip softly yet reluctantly,no matter what hed never want to hurt you,he closed the door in your face.

Now you sat alone in your house, completely alone. You never felt worse in your life. All you wanted was to feel Isaacs arms wrapped around waist, his low voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You felt like nothing would ever be able to bring you up from the pit you fell into. It was all of your fault. All because you decided to get drunk while Isaac was is Japan. All you had to do was not go to the bar. Thats all it took for you to completely ruin your everything. Isaac was your everything wether youd admit it or not, it was true. Now hes gone, just like that.


Isaac sit in his car infront of a gas station that sat at the halfway point from your house to his house, he sat sitting with soft music playing in the back ground as he fiddles around with the unopened slim-jim he just bought with the intention of eating but he couldn't bring himself too, if he eats he'd end up throwing it all up.He sat down thinking about you, why would you do this, shouldve he let you explain? He thought about you and how much he loved you, how much effort he put into showing you how he felt for you to do that.

Isaac tried to feel angry at you but he couldnt, no matter what. He was more mad at himself “I didnt love them hard enough” he thought as he finally broke down, how could he not love you enough, you deserved it all and more, maybe all you wanted was love and so you went to a different man, which fair enough at that point.

"its all my fault"  he whispered to himself in the lonely car.


You sit alone infront of the door where you just lost the one you loved most. You felt so empty, he loved you so much and he gave you all you could ever ask for and more .

You sat alone in the dark room on the floor, your bare body curled up in a ball as you cried thinking about everything the emptiness of the room being the least of problems. "Should I call him"-"no I can't", you didnt dare look at the phone knowing youd be met with the wallpaper displayed on the screen of you and Isaac at Disney world for both of your 1 year anniversary, it pains you just thinking about him,seeing his face would kill you more. all you had to do was not get wasted at a party with your friends.

Your mind replayed memories of you two together, the day you guys met, the feeling of bliss and pleasure he made you feel on late nights, the laughs you guys had on streams or just you two at 4am watching stupid videos

"It's all my fault" you mummbled out in a shaky voice in the lonley dark room.
1.1k words
Ty for 3k :)

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