My sunshine (Isaacwhy x reader)

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An- ty for 500 (the next storys are all going to be isaacwhy because I have a problem )

You laid on your boyfriends chest as he traced your sides of your body,you guys met in real life for the first time after dating for almost 5 years online, you guys met

In a discord server (ironic right?) and where finally together.

“Isaac” you said softly after about 10 minutes of you guys just watching South Park together. “Hm?” he hummed

“You don't have to respond or uh..say back but uh” you paused for a second turning to look him in the eyes. He is so pretty,you could look at him forever and never get bored of his features that stole your breath.

“I love you” you whispered looking in his eyes.

You guys never told each other that before, you had no particular reason to say it , you were just happy to be with him after 5 years of only hearing his voice through a phone or headphones. You just wanted to tell him so he knows.

He froze and you felt his breathing going up as you waited to see his response. He knew he couldn't say it back now but he sure as hell can show you that he feels the same.

“Can I kiss you” Isaac asked

You smiled at his question and nodded

Your lips crashed together in a deep kiss, both of your breaths fast and immediately desperate for more. You at some point in this action ended sitting atop of him with your heat on his, he had his back against the backboard of his bed, his large arms holding your waist. you felt him hard underneath you,feeling and the affect you had on him lit something in you as you felt your core heat up hotter than ever.

He mumbled into your lips catching your breath for a quick second

“your smile is my everything sunshine”

Sunshine was a nickname you received from Isaac back when you guys first met. He says he gave it to you because you remind him of the sun, your smile..the way it lit up the room, your fun happy-go-lucky demeanor,your laugh that he would kill for. He was absolutely infatuated with you and everything about you.

As the kiss kept getting deeper and deeper the more your core started to burn, you needed him. He let out a groan due to the small movements on his heat.

He slipped off the shirt you were wearing and started feeling around your soft body admiring every inch that there was. He pulled away from the kiss as he undid your bra a little to easily “you’re a little to good at that Mr.Isaac Why” you said breathy from the kiss. He exhaled sharply with a little laugh in the back of his throat. “What can I say, I've been waiting for this moment from the second we met” you were bright red at his cocky response.

You started to move your fabricated heat against his, he threw his back in response to the action. You felt your core get hotter and hotter, your whole body taken over by pleasure as you grind your hips into his. He suddenly flipped you guys over so you were under him. Only at that moment he realized how small you really were.His cock twitched at the sight,he couldn't breathe properly,he swore he was about to have a heart attack.

He went down and started to kiss your neck down to your soft boobs leaving dark red marks that you knew were going to be hard to cover up later.

He stopped for a moment bringing his attention back to your face. Your eyebrows furrowed confused and a little upset with his sudden stop

“We need a safe word just in case” He says in a low voice. You both look around the room looking for idea, you stop at South Park playing on the tv

“Kenny..” you mumbled

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