the first and only chapter bc this is a oneshot

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If there's any html in this that I missed its bc I wrote it for ao3 and then remembered wattpad doesn't use html so I had to edit it


Wiatt sat in the school library, silently fuming, hands gripping his hair. The maths homework he had been given stared up at him mockingly, basically taunting him for not knowing how to do it. It wasn't his fault the teacher failed to explain what he was supposed to do! Had they even covered this in class at all? It looked completely foreign to him. At this rate, you could ask Wiatt to recite the bible in Japanese and he'd still have an easier time at that than this assignment. He huffed, chin hitting the table with a quiet thud. This is it. This is how he dies.

"Wiatt, darling, there you are!"

Wiatt perked up, raising his head to see his friend, Lewis, approaching the table.

"Lewis! I thought you would be in the cafeteria?" Lewis sat down in the chair next to him, dropping his bag on the floor and glancing between the work and Wiatt.

"I was, but I got concerned when you never showed. Are you alright? You seem upset." Wiatt pouted, glaring at the assignment. Lewis was so going to make fun of him for this.

"I don't understand what I'm supposed to do for my homework."

Lewis tilted his head, pulling it closer to him. He studied it for a minute or so, before reaching into his bag and pulling out a few sheets of lined paper. He started scribbling down notes. Wiatt squinted, trying to see what he was writing.

"What are you doing?" he asked, shuffling closer.

"It would be cheating to simply give you the answers, so I'm writing down how to do it instead." Lewis responded, glancing back at the assignment. He added little stars all over the page as he wrote.

Wiatt stared blankly, dumbfounded. Lewis was going out of his way just to help him with his homework? When he could simply tease him and be done with it instead? He looked away, cheeks red. Whatever, it didn't mean anything, Lewis was like this with everyone. Probably.

"Done!" Lewis said, handing Wiatt the notes and smiling brightly. Wiatt's eyes widened slightly. He'd never realised how pretty Lewis's smile was before. It could probably light up a dark room.



Lewis shivered, leaning against a lamp post, which was frosted over. It was cold out, enough for a thin layer of snow to line the ground, but that was to be expected in the middle of the winter, so he was wearing enough layers to keep him decently warm. He and Wiatt had arranged to go to the movies today, so hopefully his friend hadn't gotten lost on the way over. Lewis hummed quietly to himself, adjusting his glasses as they slipped down his face.


He looked up when his name was called, and looked to his left, thoughts coming to a complete halt. Wiatt was running towards him and waving, a cheerful grin on his face. He was wearing an oversized sweater, so much so that you couldn't even see his hands, the sleeves were that long. His face was flushed from the cold, nose and cheeks red, and his eyes sparkled. The snow seemed to swirl around him as he ran over. He looked adorable.

"W-Wiatt!" Lewis stuttered, thoughts lagging behind. "I was- uh- wondering when you'd get here, darling." Hopefully the other didn't notice how shaky his voice was. Wiatt's grin somehow seemed to become even brighter, finally catching up to Lewis and standing in front of him.

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