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* EVA *

I always cry the most when I have to be strong.

My years of practice do not show him any emotions if I ever face him ruined in just a minute.

" I am done playing these games with you."

After saying that sentence I got up and came back home. If I had stayed there for an extra longer, I would have fallen down.


Our trio decided to have dinner together this weekend. That's a good idea because we need it to release the stress we got over these weekdays.

Sam wanted to take us to one of his favorite restaurants, which he always chose.

So, now me and Sarah are getting ready for tonight's dinner with our only one male best friend. Sam said he will also come to pick us up from our house.

I picked up a black square neck which is slit to the thigh dress.

I applied a little make up and did my hair. After some time Sam came, and we headed towards the restaurant.

I sat in the front passenger seat beside Sam who was driving and Sarah sat in the back seat.

"I feel like I am on a date with two beautiful ladies. I am the luckiest man."

"Oh shut up Jam! If it was a date I would never go with you. So consider yourself lucky that you got a chance of having dinner with us." Sarah chucked by making fun of Sam.

"That's what I said. I am the most lucky man tonight."

We made half of the way by making fun of each other, listening to songs and vibes.

It was a fancy restaurant. The waiter led us to a table with two big round couch chairs across from one another. Sarah and I sat on one and Sam on the other side.

We were just about to order when Sam got a call. He looked at his phone then looked at me with a mixed up face. Then he picked the call.

"Hello Mr. Aidan. What made you call me at this time."



The moment we were apart, I hired a bodyguard to watch over Eva. It's only because I was worried about her and couldn't see her every day made me even more worried.

Gus is a professional bodyguard. One of the best men of the security members. That's why I chose to trust him in my life.

From the three years he gave me every information about Eva in every second.

I was in my study. Just about to go to make dinner. My phone started ringing and I immediately picked the call.

Gus spoke from the other side of the phone "Sir! Miss Eva is now going outside with Mr. Sam Francis. I am following them from behind."

They are not together.

I know but still it doesn't make me less envious.

"Are you sure they are going alone?"

Gus hesitated a little then answered me nervously "Sir, I was making a phone call for only a few minutes. B-but I am sure I just saw two of them."

"Ok. Just follow them. And make sure that no one notices you."

I should call Sarah to make sure. But what if she is with them? So, I decided to text her.

She replied to me in a second -'Sam invited us to dinner but don't worry I told Sam about you and he said he will help in time like this. So, call him intentionally and tell him to have a meeting. He will surely say yes.'

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