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  They remembered it like it was yesterday.

  The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the weather was just right for a quick exercise, perhaps a simple jog. It made Name felt like it was time to get out of their lair and breathe in some much needed fresh air.

  However, that simple jog wasn't as simple as they thought, because contrary to their expectations, they were currently running at full speed, trying to escape the maniacal detective behind them. Who would've expected such a lanky looking man to have the speed to catch up to the best runner in Teyvat (according to themselves)?

  Certainly not them, because they were holding back both laughter and tears as they ran. Laughter, because for some masochistic reason, they found the challenge fun; and tears, because they felt like their lungs were collapsing from the exercise and their chaser was catching up, telling them to stop running or whatever. Name was already beginning to lose sight, but on the bright side, they got reminded of a hilarious video they saw on teytok a while ago.



  They screamed back at him, mind already blank. Who the hell tries to tell a person to come running TOWARDS them when they are chasing them at full speed like a serial killer? That label at the end of the sentence already told them that he wasn't convinced that they were innocent, and Name didn't feel like going to jail today. Their schedule was packed today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the following days afterwards. They could try to squeeze in a quick visit by next month if possible, but Name wasn't sure if their non-existent secretary would appreciate such an appointment in their busy schedule.

  Plus, accusing them of being a villain was so rude of him, they nearly stopped and turned around to face him because of how hurt they felt at the accusation. Just because he caught them holding a knife over a wounded person who clearly looked like they were stabbed by said knife, as well as finding several beaten up people behind them, doesn't mean that they were a heinous villain! The people groaning and crying out to him, practically begging him to save them wasn't making things better either, Name genuinely thought that they had a connection after (one-sidedly) exchanging a few punches with the people behind them and saving the stabbed victim. They sighed dejectedly, they really couldn't take another betrayal again today. Instead of that presumptuous nickname, Name preferred the term 'criminal'. Maybe even 'wrongdoer', or 'lawbreaker' is fine, but definitely not 'Villain'. 'Sinner' is already pushing it too, but they could accept it in certain circumstances.

  Despite their temporary blindness, they managed to spot an opening, turning into an alleyway and pushing over a garbage can as they swerved. "May Barbatos help me," they muttered under their breath, nearly choking at the dry feeling in their throat. Their eyes drifted upwards to analyze their next move, the thumpings of their heartbeat going faster due to their previous exercise and the loud footsteps coming nearer and nearer each second to remind them that the chase was not over.

  Name lowered their body, wiping their hands to get rid of the sweat before jumping across the walls of the alleyway. Their footsteps were light to prevent their chaser from hearing their movements, and they utilized the loud streets to distract him. As if blessed by the anemo archon himself, Name moved with the wind underneath the soles of their dirty shoes, a soft 'tap' resounding on the wall with each jump. The criminal huffed, pulling their body up the railings of a random balcony and running up the stairs, moving higher up the building, before arriving at the roof.

  They heard their chaser stop at the alleyways, peeking at him from their spot and watching him look around. Similarly to them, he looked exhausted and his sweat dripped down from his forehead, staining his shirt with the fluids. Their heart raced and their chest began to feel stuffed once more as they stared at him, collecting their breaths as they waited for his next move.

  ...What is this feeling in my chest...? This racing heart...These flushed cheeks... Is this...lo-

  Their chaser immediately looked up, nearly catching them and began finding ways to begin climbing up.


  Although they were confused as to why and how exactly their chaser knew where they were, they didn't have time to question it, not when he had successfully found a way to achieve his goal. Without wasting another second, they dashed off, hoping that they could somehow lose him. If not, they figured that nobody would be stubborn enough to continue chasing them for more than a few hours, anyways.

  ...Or so they thought.

  The chase ended up lasting for several days, until Name had to come up to tell him to stop and get a life. Somehow their confrontation worked (or their undeniable charm finally came in clutch), and their mysterious chaser ended up agreeing to their terms to leave them alone for a few days to rest up.

  Thus, in return for his generosity, they decided to learn of their mysterious chaser's identity, once they were fully rested and woke up with a literal glow on their face. Was it out of spite for making them feel like they were a homeless racoon trying to run from a feral dog, or was it pure interest that made them decide this way? Name couldn't care less as they read the information written on the computers, eyes scanning from one screen to another with a hint of interest hidden behind them.

  It has been a while since they've found a person who could make their heart beat so fast, after all. Name firmly believed that he'd make an excellent partner for future exercises, especially when they need to feel like they're on the verge of death after skipping training for a few days. They could easily lose the calories they've earned from those cheat days and even gain more muscle if he ran after them again like today.

  Although there is another reason why they were so interested in messing with him, but do they really need to reveal it all at the first moment? As they were told, a magician never reveals his tricks, and this belief should be followed especially by conmen like them. How else would they have successfully infiltrated the criminal undergrounds if they weren't an expert, after all?

  "Shikanoin Heizou, huh?" Name hummed, spinning from their chair mindlessly with a smile growing on their face.

  They couldn't wait to begin playing with their new v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶ friend.

From a building not so far away, a certain detective felt shivers for no reason at all.

"It's probably the cold from sleeping outside last time..."


Written on: 5 may 2023.

(1181 words)

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