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"Good morning to everyone but that one criminal."

"Special treatment already? Just admit you love me."


  Shikanoin Heizou couldn't have asked for a better morning. He had a decent breakfast, his walk to his office was greeted by the nice residents of Inazuma, and he even managed to crack a case that scratched the itch in his brain a little bit. After those late-nights spent trying to catch that one pesky criminal, he had finally been knocked out and woke up in the streets of Inazuma, presumably from the fatigue that had seemed to catch up on him. (Fortunately he was covered in a blanket to prevent a cold— he wondered about the identity of the kind stranger). He wished that instead of the lack of energy, he could've caught up to the criminal instead, but alas, the greatest detective himself was no stronger than the limitations of the human body.

  It was fine, he had convinced himself. It was about time he stopped pumping his veins full with caffeine and focused his attention solely on a specific case— or at least that was what his superiors and the doctor had told him; because apparently it's not healthy to stay up for six days straight and chase over some person who was deemed to be impossible, in both personality and the chances of him catching them.

  He ignored the raging headache when he woke up, a throbbing sensation numbing his skull. Did he hit his head when he fell down?

  Rubbing the sore spot at the back of his head, his attention was taken away by the new case file on his table, the information of his new job listed in the lines of ink printed on the stack of papers within— 'Hey Doushin Shikanoin, help me guard this precious thing from a thief, alright? Thanks a lot, xx'— And despite the low difficulty of the work, it felt like a fresh breath of air from his usual, so would you really blame him if he couldn't help the small curve of his lips as he prepared himself for the task? A surprise, really. He never thought that an easy case would make him this happy.

  At least with this case, he could finally get a break from that annoying, slimy, but excitingly smart criminal, Na—

  "Oh? Didn't expect to see you here, detective! How was your nap?"

  Shikanoin Heizou couldn't have asked for a worse afternoon. He could practically hear every piece of his sanity dripping away and shattering into tiny miniscule bits as he stared at them, their legs dangling at the edge of the glass barrier, stupid ass sitting on the very thing that was supposed to keep people like them out. Maybe the term 'people like them' wasn't too correct; instead, it should've been 'the glass barrier that was literally made to keep the one and only criminal, Name, out and away from that piece of gold that is currently in their grubby little hands that can't stop snatching every single shiny thing that catches their eye like a crow'.


  "Put that down, thief."

  "Oh, I didn't know we were doing affectionate nicknames today. Should I call you 'darling', today?"

  He sighed. Dear archons, please lend him patience today.

  Crossing their legs, Name continued to stare at the piece of gold, hands fiddling with the thin line of the locket. They seemed relaxed, and Heizou wondered how they managed to sneak past every single security in the place and appear behind him the second he turned his back. Even by analyzing the details across the room, there seems to be no traces of a break in, nor are there any clues that could signify their presence.

  A ghost, he had once thought. Yet the feeling of their warm skin every single time he had them in his grasp, burning and scarring his palm had left an unforgettable impression, igniting a sweet flame in his heart as he imagined the satisfaction of an exhilarating victory; only to feel an undeniable coldness when they disappeared once more.

  "You are committing thievery right in front of me. There are several witnesses behind the doors. This is guaranteed evidence that will send you straight to jail," He paused, not daring to break the one-sided eye contact with the criminal. "Along with all the other unlawful acts you had committed, of course."

  It seemed to feel like forever until they finally tore their gaze away from the gold locket, tucking it into their pocket to further rub it into his face with a smirk. "I'm just here to collect what's mine, darling. No need to accuse me of committing such acts." They said with a shrug, leaning forward to allow the bright lights from above to cast a dramatic shadow upon the both of them, the darkness seemingly swallowing Heizou and caging him within their silhouette as they remained seated on the glass casing.

  "'What's yours'? The item is clearly owned by my client." Heizou retorted, walking closer towards Name. Only a few more steps—he could see the shiny reflection of the gold locket from the opening of their pocket, a few more steps before he could snatch it away from them and return it to where it truly belongs. "And my client is not you, Name."

  Name raised an eyebrow at the sudden call of their name, but their confident stance never faltered. "And how are you so sure? That this item is not mine?" They challenged once more, fingers tapping the glass beneath them and allowing the soft 'tap, tap, tap' to echo across the empty room, the only presence being the two rivals and a tense atmosphere.

  "What if the thief is not me this time, Shikanoin?"

  "There are documents. There is evidence. There is undeniable proof that it was never yours."

  "What made you so sure that you could trust words on a paper?"

  He hesitated. For a moment, he hesitated. But before he could fight against the logic in his brain, so obviously planted and used by the criminal before him to mess with his mind, his eyes caught the glimmer of gold and his fingers lurched forward to grab the chains, only to be stopped by a gloved hand that held his wrist, halting his movements with a quick hold.

  "You're still too slow, detective."

  Pulling his hand towards them, Name pressed a soft kiss on his knuckles, brushing their lips on the burning skin. It's warm, he noted silently— It always has been. It's not hot enough to burn the hatred he has for their acts, but it's enough to ignite a new thirst for challenge within him, an unquenchable desire to see them be prevailed under the justice of law.

  Yet it seemed that today that desire remains unfulfilled, because the moment he came to his senses, they were long gone once more, a cold reminder lingering at the edges of his fingertips.

  "Just you wait. I'll catch up one day."

  He huffed. And maybe he will.--- No, he definitely will.

  ...After informing his client of his failure and receiving a scolding from his superiors, of course.

  ...Well, at least one of them had a nice day.


Written on: 12 march 2024.

(1206 words)

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