A Boring and Casual Day

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"Thanks, (Y/n)-hyung!!" The trainees bowed and I waved my hands.

"It's fine. Just make sure to practice extending your limbs when you're executing those movements."

"Yes, sir!!" They exclaimed and headed out of the practise room, leaving me alone as I pulled my hair tie off, releasing my hair from the ponytail and it dropped to it's natural position.

I walked over to my small sling bag, grabbing the strap and placing it around my shoulder before releasing it, allowing it to rest against my hip. Reaching into large pocket of my hoodie, grabbing the case that surprisingly didn't fall out and opened it up to grab my glasses, sliding them onto my face.

"Oh, Hyung. You're still here?"

I spun around to see Chan standing there, making his way over and the smaller bit looked like he was a little tired.

"Yeah, I was just helping the newbies."

"Cool. I just wanted to check up on you. You still thinking about quitting?" He said and I sighed.

"Well I'm thinking about it."

His face dropped and I scratched the side of my head.

"GOT7 debuted last year so it's not gonna be another few years until the next boy group. I just don't know if I can wait that long."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to confirm it..." Chan looked dejected and I tapped his forehead playfully.

"It doesn't mean I will definitely leave JYP. I'm thinking about it and whrher I should become a producer instead since I have no plans on giving up music."

"Thank god..." He held his hand on his chest, letting out a relieved sigh.

"I had way too many friends going."

"Don't worry too much. Have you eaten though? I might go to that one sushi conveyor place." I say and he looked a little unsure.

"I don't know. It's a little expensive..."

"It'll be fine, I'll be the one paying for it." I tell him.

"Well, I can't say no if you are." Chan chuckled and I pat his back as we made our way out of the practise room.

Shutting the door from behind, I brushed the strands of hair poking my right with a finger and moved it behind my ear.

"Random question. Do you think I should cut my hair?" I ask and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. You'd look good either way so it just depends on what you want. Having long hair is good for styling but having short hair is convenient."

"Yeah, I kept getting told by the staff to keep my hair the length it's at. But I might as well cut it since I won't be a trainee anymore."

"I forgot what you even look like with short hair." He said while tilting his head in thought.

"I think you should cut it shorter then. You suit long hair but getting it cut to shoulder length would probably look great too, if it annoys you."


After a couple minutes, we began making our out of the building and took a right, heading down the slightly more crowded road than usual.

"Oh, Hyung. What did you think about that demo I sent you?"

I quickly thought to myself, remembering yesterday's events and the moment came to, which I let out a gasp of air.

"Oh, yeah. For another self made track, it wasn't too bad. However, there were some issues with the mixing and was a bit generic with the drum pattern, and synths. Thr melody was a bit too repetitive and didn't really catch my attention, so you still need to find the perfect balance between repetitive, catchy and unique. It was a good attempt at the hip-hop feel considering it's only the 4th one you've made and it's a good improvement from the last one. Just remember to have an idea of what the concept or idea of a song first so you can really find the correct pieces to it."

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