10th Member of Twice

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"We want (Y/n) to be the last member of Twice."


Am I hearing that correctly?

"You have a choice whether or not you want to join the team." He finished, and I wasn't able to process what he had just said.


"I had to appeal the idea as hard as I could for the company to consider it. But my reasoning is that we've tried to put you in a boy group, and they didn't work out since you stood out way too much. However, you in a group with girls just fit perfectly with how versatile you are. And as you're close already, it just seemed like the right move." He explained, and I couldn't help scratching the back of my head.

"I don't know. That ruins the title of Girl Group, and it seems unfair since I wasn't even on the survival show in the first place. And I was actually pretty keen on abandoning the idol dream..."

"What!?" The girls suddenly reacted, and I realised I didn't tell them about it.

"You didn't know that he tried terminating the contract?" JYP questioned, and I awkwardly laughed.

"I should've asked you all first. If we were to put (Y/n) in your group, would you -"

"We'd love for Oppa to join!!" Nayeon cut him off excitedly with the others having the same wild energy and oozing with joy.

"Please, Oppa! Join us!" Chaeyoung encouraged, and they practically leaned closer with puppy eyes, trying to coerce me into becoming a member.

"I don't think it's a good idea. Especially how uncommon a mixed group is."

"Do you not like us?" Mina dropped her head, and I began to panic, stammering constantly as I struggled to get the words out.

"I-I-It's not that! I just -"

"Don't you want to be with us?" Nayeon face softened, looking completely disappointed.

"Clearly, this is a strange idea. It's a rare occurrence to have a mixed group but from one of the biggest companies? I don't think it'll be a good idea as the group is as perfect as it, and the concept is just the total opposite of what I've been doing." I explain, and Pdnim nodded at my reasoning.

"I get where he's coming from. However, I'm willing to take the risks as you are very close with the girls, and you'll be a unique addition. However, I know it's our fault entirely for why you're giving up on becoming an idol, so it's all up to you on whether you'd join. Otherwise, I'm happy for you to become a producer at the company."

Still unsure, I scratched the side of my head and couldn't come to a decision, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Please?" Tzuyu begged, and doubt filled my mind, remaining silent as they continued their pleads

"Oppa... knowing you're there with us will make everything so much better. And with how the industry is, you being by our side will make it everything so much more comfortable." Jihyo tried reasoning and hearing that made it much more difficult to decide.

The path they'll go down will be difficult, and I will always be there to support them when they need it. And if I'm around all the time, I'd do my best to help them, and they'll be able to come to me at any time.

My head started to spin at my indecisiveness, and I stared down at the carpet while taking a deep breath.

I know all the risks of joining Twice.

First of all, I'm a guy joining a team of girls who were already selected on a survival show. It clearly is a horrible idea as it was already finalised and they have an already established fanbase, which is only going to be incredibly controversial if there was a new addition to the team, who was not involved in the show and is not female. It makes it unfair for everyone who participated and especially since I know those girls, even if I'm not incredibly close to them.

Odd One Out (Twice X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now