Oval' Problem solvers note's

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Ever since the late donate they've been Unique Individuals who solve problems I am one of those Heroes for I Ovalsan Ivan am, a problem solver.

Problem one: past problem and present problem are one and the same or is it for now that is.

Now this is more of a feel then a solution for unicorn Warriors Eternal with the following suggestion.

Now the answering question may of the years made agents manipulate history in the shadow thus resulted in unicorns premature or an Emma's case unwilling due to her importance of those around her Awakening, while the thing in question is like Pennywise but this feeling I'm currently having could be solution what if Emma links with Melinda in the past while still seeing her current present simultaneously destroy the entity in the past and the present at the same time.

Needless to say this could have a similar ending to Samurai Jack but the results on the timeline deviations will be unpredictable with no sugar coating.

( please note this little advice segment will be a one-time thing I can't come up with suggestions to help everyone you know.)

Problem two:The whole thing just came to me.

Now this one is another for Unicorn warrior eternal well if logic dictates that the scientists that seemed to make those robots may have created a Time machine that causes that thing to go into the past in the first place needless to say this has been one big Sable Paradox from the beginning.

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