chapter twenty-two | crushing on guys

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WALKING INTO THE loft reminded me of the little get togethers our friend group used to have back when everyone was in high school, were we would drink and watch movies and just be young and carefree teenagers.

As time moved on, I was pretty much the only teenager of the group, aside from Noah, and I felt a little left out. And out of my comfort zone—because there were a lot more people at the loft than I had expected.

I had shown up later than everyone else, having wanted to change into something cuter than my leggings and t-shirt I had worn to work.

Now I was wearing my favorite jeans and a red sweater, and had put on a fresh coat of makeup to boot.

Alayna was the first person to spot me, springing up from where she sat with Jillian and Tina at the island in the kitchen, barreling towards me and nearly knocking me over with a hug.

"Hey, beautiful!" she greeted.

"Hey, Alayna," I said back, returning her tight hug. "My gosh, for such a small body, you're really strong."

She laughed and pulled back, Jillian stepping forward for a hug. "Long time no see, huh?" she said, her mess of black curls nearly suffocating me as she hugged me.

"Yeah, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," Tina said next as she moved forward to claim a hug, her blond hair cut short to her chin.

"Yeah, it has been a while, hasn't it?" I said, moving to sit down at the island with them.

Tina went to the bar where a few bottles of drinks were set up. "What do you want? Rum and Coke? Cherry vodka? A beer?"

"Just water, please," I told her, looking out to the rest of the loft. There were a few people I didn't recognize—three guys and two girls hanging in the living room with drinks. Dallas, Rex, and Noah stood off in the corner chatting, having not noticed me yet.

Tina was frowning when I looked back at her. "Oh, come on, you're still all goody-two-shoesy?"

Tina was a party girl through and through, and never understood why I wouldn't let loose with her and have fun. "I'm underage and I have to drive home later," I told her, "so drinking probably isn't the best idea for me."

"Ignore her," Jillian said to me as she took a sip of her own alcoholic concoction, "she just doesn't understand that some people like to be responsible adults."

"Oh, shut up," Tina interjected. "I am a responsible adult!"

"I don't think a responsible adult gets blackout drunk at every party they go to," Alayna pointed out lightheartedly.

Tina rolled her eyes. "What is this? An AA meeting?"

The group of girls laughed at that, far harder than what was necessary, leading me to believe that it was some kind of inside joke.

I felt a bit like an outsider as they all laughed together, feeling exactly how I did when we all went to school together. The girls had always included me in things and did their best to make me feel welcome, but I never quite fit in with them all that well. They had known each other since elementary school, and had bonded through memories and shared experiences that I didn't have with them.

Somehow, surrounded by all my friends, I felt very, very lonely.

"So, Claire," Jillian turned to me after recovering from her laughter, "what's been going on with you? Any hot guys?"

I blushed, making the group of girls share looks with one another.

"So there is a hot guy!" Tina pointed out. "Tell us!"

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