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"She's biting me- she's biting me!" Muzan hissed, waving his arm around with [Name] hanging off of his arm with her teeth digging into his skin.

"She's teething, sir. I thought you couldn't feel pain?" The woman explained, eyeing the child whom was basically knawing at Muzan's bone.

"That doesn't mean I can't find it an annoyance." Muzan barked back, tearing [Name] off of his arm and holding her in air jail.

The woman signed, holding out her pale arms in an effort to hold the small, sharp-tooth baby.

Muzan grunted in disagreement, but immediately pushed the baby in the woman's grasp when [Name] kicked his face with her small foot.

"You can't swing her around like some sort of animal. If you do that, she's bound to grow up like-" The woman sighed, holding [Name] the correct way as she cut her sentence off.

"Like what." Muzan demanded, raising a brow as his scarlet red eyes bored into the woman.

The woman just stared back at him, instead changing the topic. "If your daughter is teething, then she must be craving meet. If she really is a half-demon." She hummed, watching the the baby stared and it's feet in awe.

"Fine, then. I'll catch her a human." Muzan dismissed, waving his hand in the air.

"No, no. She doesn't have her teeth just yet, she may just need blood to quench her hunger for now." The woman's eyes twitched slightly, her patience growing thin by the minute.

She had trouble understanding how this man was the demon king.

"That's simple as well. I'll just drain some human of their blood." Muzan hissed, he patience was growing thin as well.

It was a bitter silence for a moment, both of the demons staring at each other as the little demon baby played with its feet.

"Has she accepted the offer? Or did she stay loyal to her master?" The woman asked out of the blue, looking down at the baby who went from looking at their feet. To giggling at their own hands.

"She declined." Muzan put it simply, eyeing how his baby found joy in things he deemed just quite stupid.

"A pity." The woman hummed, watching the baby coo at its own hands.

"Hmm." Muzan blinked, nodding ever so slightly.

It'd be a shame to kill her so early on.

😕 y'all my brother keeps quoting the "I just shoved a whole bag of jellybeans up my ass" and idk what to do 😕😕😕

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😕 y'all my brother keeps quoting the "I just shoved a whole bag of jellybeans up my ass" and idk what to do 😕😕😕

BY THE WAY everyone is ooc cause of REASONS mkay 🤚

also my keyboard be acting funny idk why so that's why this chapter is so short despite it being like 28 months since I last updated

umm yeah

ALSO MUZAN DID NOT HAVE A WEAK PULL OUT GAME Y'ALL HELP????? I mean I could hypothetically make it canon BUT JESUS CHRIST 😭

"why is there gay people in this book" cause I like pussy and dick if that wasn't obvious

anyway. REAL SHIT STARTS NEXT CHAPTER WHICH IS 5K WORDS just needs heavy editing

... is this a filler? no. it reveals something that's supposed to happen LATER on.

anyway, um, yeah y'all have a good day I'm gonna go create more c. ai bots 😋

also this is NOT me letting the book go, m just lazy cause I accidentally forgot to make this chapter and I already have like 10 chapter drafts with over like 2k words that need absolute heavy editing mwah

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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