chapter twenty-six | interruptions

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I NEVER HEARD from Bill again after that night in the parking lot. Apparently, Dallas had a long talk with him after I left. I don't know what exactly was said, but I could guess from the text Dallas sent me when I got home that it was something along the lines of a threat.

I would say to come to me if Bill ever tries to bother you again, but I don't think he ever will after the talk I just had with him

Anyways, take tomorrow off if you need it

And call me if you ever need me

Goodnight Claire


I will. Thanks and goodnight, Dallas

I happily took the next day off, mainly because I didn't want to see Noah anytime soon. I was still mad at him for being so violent with Bill and making me feel guilty—because I felt like I was responsible for the fight.

I was also a little frightened by Noah. I wasn't scared that he would hurt me, of course, but I was scared that he would hurt someone for me.

Maybe a few weeks before I would've swooned at the thought, because it made it sound like he was willing to defend me at all costs, but after seeing what hurting someone really looked like, I was terrified of it happening again.

Because he could really hurt a person. The type of hurt that could land him in jail—or worse.

Noah texted me throughout the weekend, apologizing and telling me he would never do what he did ever again.

I kept my texts back to him limited, telling him that I needed the weekend to recover from the chaos of Friday.

He kept his texts minimal after that, just sending me good morning and goodnight texts.

Dallas sent me texts, too, checking up on me and constantly reminding me that he was always there for me.

Hallie's texts were just about the same as his, but with a few jokes here and there. It turned out that she was really funny, and had a lot in common with me.

When Monday rolled around, I was actually excited for lunch for once.

Hallie was there waiting like she always was, sending me a smile when she saw me approach. We spent lunch with me talking about the fight and everything following, and her listening intently and asking questions.

Eventually, I spilled the beans about who exactly my 'boss' and 'coworker' were and what they meant to me, getting into the nitty gritty of my love for two separate men.

She went crazy for that little tidbit.

"You're in love with two guys?" she remarked, mouth agape. "That you work with?" She shook her head in pity. "Girl, I know that's gotta be stressful."

"You have no idea," I breathed out, rubbing at my temples. "And I'm kind of seeing one of them—Noah, the guy that fought that other guy—but I'm still hung up on the other—Dallas, my boss who is dating someone else."

"Well, who do you love more?"

The question made me freeze, because I didn't have much of an answer. A month before, I would've easily said Dallas. A week before, I might've easily said Noah. But in that moment I wasn't sure anymore.

"I-I don't know," I answered honestly. "I love them both in different ways, I guess. I don't know exactly what makes my love for them different, but it doesn't feel the same." I shook my head. "I can't really explain it."

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