so weak!

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The next day we all arrive at the place we would be summoning our familiars, I was second to last.. as the others kalego stood beside me,

"You know, if you can't control your familiar you'll have to take extra classes right?" Kalego spoke quietly only for me to hear. of course he'd think my familiar would also be out of control.

"Yea, I know." My voice was cold towards him, I hated that he was speaking to me like I was beneath him.
Of course I knew I'd have to take extra classes if my familiar was 'like me'.
As kalego described what we'd have to do to summon our familiars, the papers we'd have to put some of our blood on and burn to summon them. After sabnock and Asmodeus started bickering over who's familiar was stronger or whatever it was my turn. And.. for some reason.. I wasn't all that hyped.. I cut my thumb on one of my fangs and put my blood on the paper and watched as the smoke summoned a slime creature... It.. IT FIT IN THE PALM OF MY HAND?!? SO WEAK! 

"It's... Pathetic..." I quietly whined to myself looking down at the purple slime creature in my hand as I walked away from the other students, some were gushing over 'how cute' it is..

Kalego walked over to me and looked down at me and my familiar. It squeaked.
at kalego's presence..

"I see you have a slime as a familiar.. they're very docile so believe it or not, it's not what I was expecting to show up at all." As kalego spoke I could feel his condescending tone and it was seriously pissing me off.
Like seriously, he has to rub in the fact I have such a pathetic familiar?!

"Oh piss off. You know what my familiar is so just do your job and stop judging me." I glared at kalego as I held my familiar in my hand. The weak little thing was trembling. How sad is that!

"I'm not judging, I'm asking if your familiar has a name yet." Kalego didn't seem phased by my outburst and that increased my hatred for the demon.

"I.. his name?..
Um, I'm not sure yet.. just.. just piss off already!" I was a little confused by his question but that made me a little annoyed. Seriously! I just summoned the little guy and I already have to name him?!? Can't I take my time and give him a fitting name??

"Alright, your homework for the night is to bond with your familiar and give him a fitting name, you are dismissed." Kalego said pinching the bridge of his nose obviously knowing if I stayed at the school today that I'd possibly get violent or verbally abusive to everyone.

"UGH! fine!" Realizing I'd just got sent home I carried my familiar in my hand and started leaving. I even cursed kalego out for good measure as I left. The other students had been surprised at my outburst and a few of them mumbled to each other.  Can't they mind their own business?! So stupid! I left holding my unnamed.. weak.. actually.. a little cute.. slime familiar.. as I walked i looked down at the slime in my hand, he purred and nuzzled my thumb.

"Why are you so small..? Can you get any bigger? I'm not going to complain but.. If I'm not holding you I feel like I'd accidentally step on you" I whispered to the purple slime I was carrying as I walked home.

The slime creature made a small meowing like sound and quickly moves up my arm and onto my shoulder and purred as he nuzzled my cheek contently.
Maybe.. maybe he's not so bad after all.. but he needs a name.. he's too cute for a scary name.. I'll figure it out at home.. he doesn't seem like he wants so stop nuzzling my cheek long enough to communicate..

"We'll figure out your name in a little while okay? I promise.." I muttered to my familiar.. and a little to myself. He needs a name, a good name.. one that fits him.

(Sorry for the short chapter, my grandma passed unexpectedly a few days ago and I didn't even think of updating anything, I'm sorry)

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