another try

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After kalego had sent me home yesterday I had taken a longer route to my house, I walked for over an hour. It was around mid day when I had gotten home, after all I had been sent home right after first class had ended. I had even gone to hit him before he yelled at me to go home.

When I had reached my house I was a little less angry, so I opted to water my plants and then take a nap. After all, You have been given the task of keeping plants alive by your 3 anger management councilors. They'd given me one plant each, Hannah, the women with short pink hair had given me a white rose bush with eyes, I liked those ones. The other two I had already let their plants die. Oh well, that's not my problem.
I didn't like the other two councilors I had, their names are dani and Hank. Both had black hair and were a little shorter than 6ft. It was easier to intimate the two. Hannah however was almost 7ft. She only talked to me like I was an equal instead of that fucking baby talk the two others insist on doing, she talked to me like I Wasn't a troubled kid. Enough about those three.

(Time skip to the next morning)

I was already in a bad mood as I woke up, I was remembering the events of the day before and getting angry at kalego for sending me home instead of expelling me. I knew my councilors definitely had something to do with that part. Probably decided to use the "he's just troubled, give him a chance." Card. Once again, I walked the 20 or so minutes to school. However. This time I ran into that same blue haired kid. He was walking with the pink haired snob and... God damnit. Clara. She was with them as well. I tried walking faster but then I heard that God awful sound.

"HEY! (Y/N)-KUN!!!" Clara's voice practically rupturing my eardrums as I turn to see her running straight for me, I couldn't dodge her hug in time, I was knock right onto my ass with Clara trying to squeeze the air out of my lungs.

"Damnit Clara get off me!" I snapped but she didn't, instead she hugged me even tighter and went on about some random nonsense

"Wait Clara, is he one of your friends too?" Blue hair asked a little nervously. They had all seen my actions towards kalego sensei the other day and hadn't seen me again afterwards

"Uh huh!  He's like my best friend!" Clara said, she still had me in a death grip. I wasn't talking I was trying to get Clara to let me go.

"I don't think he feels the same Clara." Pinky said with a slightly obvious tone. Oh right, that's Asmodeus Alice, he's some big shot.
The blue haired kid is the chair demons grandson iruma.. wait. The chair demon doesn't even have kids, what sense does that make??? This whole year is already weird.

"Pinky over there is right Clara, I'm not your friend." I said hoping she'd get the hint and get off of me. But to no avail, she didn't instead she puffed her cheeks and called me a meanie.

"We're going to be late, let's go Clara" Asmodeus said along with looking at iruma to back him up. Iruma looked at Asmodeus and then to Clara and then at me.

"Yea, we should start going again, hey (y/n) do you want to walk with us?" Iruma offered, thankfully because of iruma's agreement with Asmodeus, Clara finally got off of me and I got back up.

"Yea, no chance. I'm not walking with anyone anywhere." After saying that I start to walk off, my pace was the same as it had been, I didn't wait for any of them to say anything else.

"Wow, that was rude" Asmodeus grumbled annoyed on iruma's behalf, as they started walking not long after, they didn't see me again until they got to babyls.

They got to class and I still hadn't shown up until kalego got to the last name on the attendance paper. My name, he didn't even need to call it as he looked up to see me walking in, late. Again

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