Lexicon - Augs

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STBI - Software to Brain Interface

MMH - Man Machine Hybrids

NSN - Nanite Structured Nest

Chrome users

Is a terminology used to describe individuals with any type of prosthetic enhancement/replacement.

Currently it is the cheapest and most visible form of cybernetical upgrade, mostly due to the ability to mass produce parts in standardized size. The negative effect of the standardization is requirement from the user to have his body *fit* the implant. There are multiple manufactured sizes/lengths of the "chrome" however most chrome users must build their body to support the chrome and not the other way around. Oversimplified synonym can be found in the old version of Cinderella, sisters of the heroine attempt to cut their feet in order to make their feet the shoe(chrome).

Chrome users suffer from fairly serious side effects caused by the chrome installment, among them, phantom limb is a well known side effect. However there are also more deadly and terminal side effects such as Extreme Cyber induced Psychosis caused by the brain being overloaded with information and with the user's ego experiencing rot by the chrome's influence on the mind .

Very expensive alternative is to order specialized chrome prosthetics made specially for the user. Many Artificers perform this feat by series of scans and tests on the Client to accurately set the STBI with the client's brain capabilities, and to ensure compatibility between the organism and the hardware. The well crafted chrome is capable of near complete nullification of ego decomposition and is equipped with a fail-safe mechanism in case of system overload.

Dreamers - MMH

Is a term used among chrome users to define and to call individuals with nanite based augmentations. The terminology is speculated to originate from the Life cycle of MMH individuals, who usually prefer to operate during night hours. Another theory suggests that the term came to be due to the nature of MMHs. Due to the nature of their augmentation they are extremely detached from reality, a common example is when a Dreamer suffers from a gun wound or extreme physical trauma and despite that is able to completely ignore the injury and continue his operation.

MMHs use nanite based augmentations, considered to be one of the most expensive ways of cybernetic augmentation. The strength of NSN implant lies in the way it is being constructed, ensuring that the implant is already perfectly attuned for the user for the cost of a few week activation period.

NSN implants are implemented in a step by step solution all of which except for first happens automatically without need of external supervision.

After injection of an NSN, nanites inside of it will gather information about the user's organic matter, based on that move around using the blood vessel to gather required minerals for nanite replication and begin the process of constructing the implant inside of the client's body. The Activation procedure takes usually from a few seconds to a minute, being described as suddenly feeling a new limb.

NSNs are commonly found among many members of the Assasin's guilds and among Corporates who use it as a way to enhance themselves without leaving a mark on their body or among Enforcers of Rank B+.

NSNs perform most operations in their own structure, sending only important parts to the brain, which believes that NSNs are actually part of the body. However more advanced implants especially in high quantities are prone to cause a disease called Shakes. Due to natural capabilities of a brain and installed limiters some of the information that should be computed by the brain is left in the NSN to be processed, this causes a lag of data within structure which the installed fail-safe tries to avoid by sending additional calculations to other implants if there are any. A common and mostly correct assumption is belief that when one implant is lagging the rest are as well. This causes a user to experience a Shake, depending on the severity can lead to a seizure, loss of consciousness, hemorrhage, brain damage, implant shutdown or to critical organ failure in rare instances.

MMHs are feared among other Augmenters due to their mental instability. Brain of an NSN user copes with the presence of nanites and NSN by adopting an extremist belief. This ranges from a political extremum, suicidal behavior, murder tendencies to cannibalistic tendencies.

It is common for MMHs to be extremely unstable or insane. Among augmenters there's a saying "Not all lunatics are MMHs but all MMHs are lunatics", however in the end it is unknown whenever the NSN induces insane behavior or that's the clientele common trait.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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