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Today was the day Jungkook was eagerly looking forward to. Today he will attend his company's fashion show.

He woke up early at 7 today and started hopping around the house being way too excited. He just can't help it, whenever he feel excited his body just automatically starts hopping.

Nari:- Will you just sit at one place Jungkook. Why are you behaving like it's your first fashion show? Oh wait maybe it is?

Jungkook with furrowed eyesbrows replied :- No it's not. I've attended one before too when i was maybe 8.


Jungkook was too stunned to speak. He just casually replied to her question. Is he not allowed to talk about his childhood just because she was not a part of it?

Jungkook- I never meant it that way Nari. Don't try to put your words in my mouth.

Nari- Shut up you omega! I'm glad you will be married in few months and I'll be free from your nonsense.

Jungkook just decided to ignore it. It's not like it didn't hurt him but he is used to these comments. He stood up from the living room's couch and started going to his room to decide what to wear.

(Event time )

Mr. Jeon hyun-woo with his wife was busy with his business partners and other entrepreneurs and Nari went backstage to look at the models before everyone else because according to her without her approval this show can't begin.

Jungkook was getting bored so he nudged his hyung and asked pouting a little " Hyung when will it start. I'm bored"

"Just few more minutes bub." Seokjin smiled. 

(with Taehyung)

Taehyung arrived at the venue with his Appa and was looking for a moment to talk with Mr. Kim. He is not interested in this fashion show. He will just talk with him and quietly leave. It's not like anyone care about his presence.

"Mr. Jeon, pleasure to meet you finally. I'm Kim Taehyung, founder of KTH. I hope you are aware about us. He is my Appa, Kim Daehyung." Taehyung formally greeted Mr. Jeon but was nervous because what if he doesn't remember him? This man has a lot of things to take care of.

" Ah hello there young man! Of course I know you. I must say I'm very impressed with your idea. How is the work going on?" Mr. Jeon smiled warmly and asked after shaking hands with Mr. Kim.

" It's going great sir. We are very much near our dream, there are few complications we are facing right now but you don't have to worry. I won't let you down." Taehyung said confidently

"Oh everyone says same thing but it's very risky thing to invest in start-ups. We can't just let our hard earned money go to waste like that." Mr. Kang minho, another businessman standing with them said mockingly

" With due respect sir, I agree your hard earned money is at risk but our? Our whole dream is at risk sir. I can go to any extent to not let my dream fall. Start-ups indeed are risky but which business is not sir? The higher the risk the higher will be the gain or.....loss?" Taehyung said

"Very well said son. And if we won't invest in youth then how can we grow our economy. Now our days have gone Kang. It's there time to rule. Haha" Mr. Jeon said being very impressed by Taehyung. Meeting such mature and enthusiastic people is rare at such a young age.

After that small conversation all four of them stood looking around the hall and just enjoying the surroundings.

" I must say Jeon your company has some very pretty omega models. How come you always get to make a contract with them huh? Looks like your elder son helps you with it. Let us have a taste of it too, you know what I mean right."  Kang Minho said winking towards Jeon Hyun-woo.

"Stop talking nonsense Kang. Don't spoil my mood and don't even look at my employees like that" Jeon Hyun-woo glared at Kang

"Oh calm down please. What is with this sudden mood change huh? We are alphas Jeon, we are tend to behave like this. Practically that's in our nature." Kang said smuggling 

"That might be in your nature, definitely not mine." Jeon challengingly looked at Kang to try throwing any dirty remark.

"Then what do you think omegas are for? To protect and provide? Don't be delusional. We have a young blood here why don't we ask him huh? What's your body count little alpha?" Kang said looking towards Taehyung which made Jeon hyun-woo realize that they aren't alone.

"Look mister you can't talk like that to my son he......" Kim Daehyung was speaking when Kang again cut him off in between and said "Why don't you let your son answer it Mr. Kim? Why would he talk about his sex life with you anyways"

"Mr. Kang? I am very much disappointed with your views towards omegas. Who are we to decide what omegas should do and what they shouldn't. They are themselves very much capable of deciding for their own future. Omegas aren't some toy for you to play around. About my sex life I don't feel it's something I'm obliged to share with you" Taehyung replied and decided to leave.

"I'll take my leave now sir. It was a pleasure meeting you." Taehyung said when Jeon Hyun-woo broke from his deep thoughts after hearing Taehyung's answer and replied " Taehyung how about a private meeting? Let's meet tomorrow for lunch with your Appa? Is it ok with you? I'll ask my secretary to send you the details"

Taehyung was taken aback by this sudden invitation but nevertheless agreed and left with his dad. 

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I request you all to please take your seat, we are about to start" anchor announced

When announcement was made Taehyung looked at the ramp  but got distracted by someone sitting right infront of the ramp. Subconsciously he thought "So pretty". But Taehyung knows better, he will never judge someone from there looks. Who knows what kinda personality he has. He already learned his lesson from Seon-Ho so now nobody can fool him with their looks anymore.

" Son you will have brunch here or shall we leave?" Mr. Kim asked Taehyung.

"No appa let's leave"

Mr. Kim daehyung nodded and started walking towards the exit but Taehyung stopped and once again looked back just to look at the beauty once again.

 Kim daehyung nodded and started walking towards the exit but Taehyung stopped and once again looked back just to look at the beauty once again

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After sitting inside Mr. Kim Daehyung's car he looked at his son on the passenger seat and said " I'm happy the way you behaved inside Taehyung. You just proved my upbringing was not a failure." 

Taehyung just gave a small smile and they drove off. 

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