How It Came To Be

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David Petruschin is a drag queen who goes by the name Raven. He competed on season 2 of RuPaul's Drag Race and ended up as the runner-up, he has a second chance to win on RuPaul's Drag Race Allstars.

(Manila's POV) 

I was walking away from Latrice to grab a certain brush for my eyeshadow when I saw a photo hanging on Raven's mirror. It was her out of drag holding a baby! I turn around and look to see where Raven is and I notice she's talking to Jujubee on the other side of the room. 

I yell "Raven! Did you kidnap a baby?" Everyone turns to look at me confused except Juju and Raven. Raven doesn't say as she walks over here and grabs the photo I was referring to.

"No Manila, I did not kidnap a baby."

I look at her confused. "There is a photo of you holding a baby!"

"Manila, that's my daughter." Everyone's jaw drops.

"How did you get a woman pregnant if your gay?" Tammie yells.

Raven sighs "I guess this means I have to tell the story."

(Raven POV)

I start "My best friend, Kendall, got pregnant. She had some medical problems that made it if she got pregnant there was a seventy-five percent chance she would pass away during the birth. Kendall was very aware she was most likely going to die, so she asked me to take care of the baby. She passed away during the birth like everyone expected and I fostered my daughter for six months then I adopted her."

Chad speaks up "So you raised her since she was born?" I nod my head in agreement.

"What about Kendall's parents?" Latrice queries.

"They kicked Kendall out when she was sixteen and when she told them about the baby they told her they wanted nothing to do with her."

Everyone has a solemn look on their face. Shannel pipes up "What's her name?"

I put the photo back on the mirror and reply with a smile "Katie"

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